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Today I had somewhere planned to go and I put on my long pretty dress and tide my hair into a ponytail.

"Uhm Mrs Park,you should tell me where your going at least that when your husband comes back early I tell him about your whereabouts."Said Jay.

"I'll be visiting my parents,I just miss them I suppose."I smiled.

"Okay mam I'll inform him."He said as I smiled my way out.

I then got into a car as the driver drove me to my parent's house.

When I got there I was surprised that in the yard my little sister Vivi had set some tables with her four friends and they seemed to be laughing a lot.

I even wondered if my parents were really home.

I walked out of the car with a box of chocolate cookies that my father loved.

"Ohh hi Vivi."I smiled greeting also her friends.

"You decided to visit?"Asked Vivi as she getting up to walk closer to me.

"Wow your sister is more pretty this days,I guess marriage does make someone this pretty."Said one of Vivi's Friends who was gay.

"Not everyone gets this pretty after marriage."Said another friend of Vivi who I knew by the name of Rosé as she laughed.

The other two guys just looked at me without a word.

Vivi even walked me into the house holding my hand and I just thought maybe it's because I'm holding the box of chocolates cookies.

When we got inside I saw my father seated and reading a magazine while mother was busy on her phone.

"Hello mother and father,I've decided to visit for a little while."I said walking closer as they looked at me.

"Ohh dear take a seat."Said my mother as I smiled and took a seat.

"Well you look pretty or is it just my eyes?"Questioned my mom.

I smiled to the compliment.

"Well mom I guess I'm a happy married woman,I just don't have anything to stress about."I said.

"I see,I'm just glad we found you a perfect wealthy match,also Vivi will do the same."Said Father as Vivi seemed to not like that.

"No father...."She wanted to say more but by the look on father's expression Vivi decided to stay quiet.

Vivi then took a seat close to me that if father tried to throw a slipper at her for anything wrong she says he won't be able to because he will never throw a slipper to me.

"Father I even brought your favorite chocolate cookies on my way here."I said putting the box on the table.

Father smiled.

"You really know how to make me smile my beautiful daughter."Said my father and I noticed my mom's side eye that showed me that I shouldn't have brought the cookies.

"Don't worry mother this ones are not that sugary."I said as my mom's smile came back.

We had a chat about what my husband was like and well I only mentioned the good parts about my husband and the look on Vivi's face tells that she doesn't even believe anything I say.

I ignored her as usual and continued talking with a smile.

"Okay now mother and father I'll take my leave."I said getting up from my seat.

Vivi got reminded that she left her friends outside.

"Damn they must be pretty angry with me by now,bye."Said Vivi running out.

Father just didn't like Vivi's behavior at all.

"Is she even my daughter?"Asked Father looking at Vivi who ran out.

"Dear not all children are going to be the same and anyways she took after you because when you were young you were also that way."Said mother as we laughed at father.

"Come on."Said Father trying to seem like he didn't like my mother's joke.

"You can go now dear,also next time bring your husband with you,we want to know more about him."Said mother.

"Okay mom I will."I said walking out.

I saw Vivi with her friends as I said my goodbyes to them.

I then got into the car as the driver drove me back to the mansion.

I walked out and saw Jay walking out to me.

"Ahh is there any problem?"I asked.

"Well there seem to be some kind of water problem,I need to check out some kind of pipe at the back."He said.

"No shouldn't we tell Sunghoon so he can send someone to fix that?"I asked.

"Well I'm good at many things and that's why I'm probably hired,Don't worry I'll fix the problem."He said.

I noticed he had a change of clothes and this was maybe to not get his suit that he likes to wear messy if it's getting drenched or any of the sort.

I walked inside the mansion anyways.

Since I was getting all bored a bit I then decided to find a room where I might be willing to move all my paintings there and be able to paint and sell the paintings or put them in my company building.

I was the CEO of the painting company building named JoY Art Company and I went there to check when it's Sunday and gladly tomorrow was Sunday.

When Jay came back from whatever fixing he was doing I wanted to ask him.

"Well this room seems huge and empty,it's okay to put my paintings in it right?"I asked.

Jay observed the room for some time and he nodded with a smile.

"Well I hope your husband wouldn't mind,also you should ask him first because I have no rights to say."He said walking away.

"I don't think Sunghoon will mind,I mean it's empty."I thought to myself as I walked into the room.

It looked empty and nice so I began to walk around the room.

"Maybe I should go and collect them now and then place them in here."I smiled.

While walking the only thing I saw was something that was covered with a cloth.

I walked to uncover what was in the cloth and it seemed to be a grand black piano.

"Wow he loves playing the piano too."I smiled moving my hands on it and walking in circles.

I decided to take a seat and play it for a minute.

On the one of the keyboards there seemed to be a bit of red ink.

"What this?"I questioned myself but it the ink seemed dry.

I ignored it since maybe the ink was spilled on the piano by mistake and I decided to play for that minute.~

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