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He put a towel so I can dry myself up and he also did the same to himself.

I guess I never paid attention to the fact that he was wearing a short pants for swimming.

When we got to our room he got in first and when I closed the door he striked me with the push against the door and Iooked at me in my eyes.

He began looking at my lips and my heart was beating fast and I couldn't process what was about to happen.

He was moving his head closer to mine to the point that our lips nearly touched but then he hit the wall with his fisted hand looking upset somehow.

"This won't work."He said with a chuckle as he moved back in thoughts.

I wondered why he didn't kiss me.

"Am I ugly,did he dislike my body shape?did he realize he can't love me?"I had so many questions to why he did that.

I just ignored it and went to bed.

I thought tonight will be different but instead he slept in the same spot.

I didn't really like it though.

The next day...

I was surprised to the fact that he didn't go to work.

I was busy making some cookies along with the coffee because he asked me for some.

I was even surprised.

Maybe one needs to take steps into marriage mostly because we are new to this.

He walked into the kitchen and I wasn't expecting him to wall directly to me.

"Actually my parents will be coming,I decided to stay home today and please be a good daughter in law."He said taking the coffee and cookies with him.

I smiled a bit because I noticed he began to like everything I made.

What was bothering me is that he was really sensitive about germs mostly because he would make sure he had worn some gloves.

I decided to go and take a nice lovely shower in order to put on my nice long dress.

I tied my hair and applied a little bit of makeup.

I didn't want to seem bad infront of my parents in law.

It only took two hours for them to arrive.

They came with gifts and it was nice that I let them inside and they both took a seat.

Who I didn't expect to come in after with them was Sunoo.

I guess he really did live on his parents's money like he said.

"I only came for my favorite room."Said Sunoo passing us and going upstairs.

"No manners at all."Said Father in law shaking his head in disapproval.

"Let him be."Said mother in law as she smiled.

Me and Sunghoon were seated with them and he really seemed respectful and smiled a bit with them.

"You two are so cute together,you'll make a perfect grandson."Said mother in law as she laughed by hitting father in law's shoulder.

I laughed with Joy and Sunghoon didn't laugh to that.

"As you can see,I'm happy you found me a beautiful wife,she can cook really well than I expected."Said Sunghoon as I felt good about that.

I couldn't control my smile.

"Wow she can cook better than me?"Asked mother in law as I saw that father in law and Sunghoon's face showed that her food was not really that great.

"Your food is not that bad."Said Sunghoon as she laughed.

"Come on,sounds like my food is bad,I can't blame you, most spoiled girls can't cook."She said smiling.

"Actually,male to male talk,I need to talk to my son."Said father in law with a serious face.

Sunghoon put both his hands together as he looked down and sigh.

"Go on."Said mother in law as they both got up and walked upstairs.

I kept looking at which room they might end up till...

"Dear,to be honest you should let me try some of your food."She said.

"Yes mother in law."I smiled.

"I envy you to be honest."She said as I was surprised.

"Why?"I smiled.

"Your from a very well known wealthy family and still you have all the respect,good manners and you can do house chores,how's this possible?"She asked.

"Well my mom taught me a lot of things,she was actually not from a rich family till she met my dad...but he also taught me a lot of things in which I became the person I am today."I said.

"I really like you,I hope you and your husband live with happiness and also if he messes with you complain to me,I'll make sure he regrets it."She said as I giggled.

"Uhm I wanted to ask something."I said feeling very confident.

"Ask dear."She said.

"Well...If me and Sunghoon supposedly have a daughter.will it affect anything?"I asked.

She laughed.

"Dear I'll be very happy whether you have a son or daughter,children are somehow a blessing and can make your marriage even stronger."She said with a smile.

I really liked talking to her which made me feel at ease.

Till we heard something falling from upstairs which made us look up.

"I wonder if everything is okay between father and son?"Mother in law looked worried which made me worried as well.

Father in law and Sunghoon walked downstairs together and took a seat.

"Darling what was that?"Asked mother in law.

"It was nothing,A vase fell by mistake by me and I ended up hurting my son by mistake."Said father in law as I realized Sunghoon's arm was covered with a bandage and he was not wearing a glove in that arm.

I was wondering how father even hurt him in the first place and why did he take off the glove.

Sunoo came downstairs.

"We leaving now or not?"He asked.

"You can leave if you want."Said father in law.

"Whatever,I called my driver...he will pick me up."Said Sunoo walking out of the mansion even though he never greeted me and Sunghoon.

"Forgive us for his behavior."Said mother In law.

"No need,we are leaving...also I need a grandson because I can't really count till I'll be dead."Said father in law as I felt bad.

"No father in law,Don't say such words."I said.

"Okay then,see you two well."Said father in law as they both walked out.

Jay the butler walked them out.

Jay keeps himself invisible In a good way which it's hard to notice him.~

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