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Her absence was not easy to digest, but in the later days, it was enough to make me realize that I needed to love someone else. She was never maybe meant to be the forever in my life and it was the sole reality I had to accept in the present times. Because in every part of my life, she had always been my best friend and nothing more than that ever in life. A truth, I can't get away from.

My heart well knew that living without her existence would be hard, more than hard

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My heart well knew that living without her existence would be hard, more than hard. While my soul knew pretending to like her absence would be like chasing dead demons. My mind didn't have a clue whether what I was doing was right or wrong. I was shuffled inside and needed somebody to share the space with. Whether it was a friend or an enemy, I did not care.

Without thinking for another second, and moment of life I left on my way towards the place where I desired happiness more than pain. I was self-assured that if there was somebody who could let me feel at ease, then it was my girlfriend, Jemima. The girlfriend who could do wonders in my life at the very first touch of her gloss and lipstick. I needed her. And more than enough, I needed her lips to clash over mine. My heart was desperate for her, for her love, and was ready to endeavor any demon to feel her, in the last. I was desperate and I was dazed for her love, her lust.

My feet rapidly kept walking and after a moment, I was right there standing at the place where I could find her, her place. A place made for her and designated for her. Her and her love, which was beyond trifles of pain. She was there, lying herself down on the shallow muffler of the grass present in the schoolyard, and looking the way she did, always. Flawless and utmost beautiful!

"Hey, baby! I missed you so much, where were you?"

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"Hey, baby! I missed you so much, where were you?"


"C'mon. Don't turn into that silent moron once again. I need to hear your words, your breath, not your silence."

"I wish to tell you something, Jemi."


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