Chapter 51

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Broken Life

Taehyung's birthday is approaching, and this year Yoongi plans to organize a celebration for him. Despite Taehyung's initial reluctance due to the current situation, Yoongi realizes that it's the least he can do after all Tae has done for him and Jimin. They aren't really in a position to throw a lavish party. Because last few months was like a nightmare.

Upon arriving in Seoul with Jimin, they head straight to Seoul National Hospital. Jimin seems physically okay, albeit malnourished, but his mental state is fragile. Yoongi understands that experiencing the same trauma again would be devastating for Jimin, potentially causing severe mental anguish. After admitting both Jimin and Hoseok to the hospital, Yoongi contacts Taehyung to share the news about finding Jimin.

With every passing second, Yoongi found himself consumed by self-blame. If only he had been more cautious, this mishap wouldn't have occurred. Even if Jimin recovers physically, will he ever be able to forgive Yoongi? Yoongi doesn't want to dwell on that thought. Right now, the only thing that matters is Jimin.

In just a few days, Jimin's physical condition shows signs of improvement, although Hoseok requires a couple of weeks to recover fully. However, Jimin's mental state continues to deteriorate. Since waking up, he hasn't spoken a word, as if he's completely withdrawn into himself. Yoongi had anticipated something like this happening, but even so, seeing the once vibrant Jimin reduced to a mere shell breaks his heart into pieces. Why does this pure soul have to endure such suffering? Jimin doesn't deserve any of this, and neither does anyone else. Yoongi can only hold himself responsible for it all.

After Jimin was discharged from the hospital, Yoongi took him back to their house, but Jimin remained unresponsive, like an emotionless robot. Concerned, Yoongi decided to enlist the help of the country's top psychotherapist. During their first session, observing Jimin's demeanor and hearing the therapist's advice, Yoongi realized that therapy alone wouldn't suffice."It would require the support of family, friends, and especially Yoongi to help Jimin overcome this trauma.". Acting as if nothing has changed between you is crucial. Attempting to ignore the situation could have a negative impact, as Jimin might perceive it as pity. Instead, it's essential to show him that you still love him just as much as before and that everything remains the same between you. Jimin's recovery ultimately depends on his willpower to return to normalcy, but it's crucial to make him feel needed and accepted without judgment.Listening to the therapist, Yoongi understood that while the advice sounded straightforward, implementing it would be challenging. When someone shows no reaction, says nothing, or asks for nothing, it's incredibly difficult to pretend that everything is normal. Nevertheless, he was determined to do whatever it takes to bring Jimin back, refusing to lose him.

By this time, Jimin's father has shown significant improvement in his health. Despite feeling emotionally drained witnessing his only son in such a condition, he is gradually regaining his physical strength every day.

For Taehyung's birthday, Yoongi reached out to Jin and Jungkook, inviting them to join. Hoping their presence would bring joy to Jimin, Yoongi also considered the bond between Jimin and Jihan, knowing it could make a difference.

As for Taehyung's birthday celebration, Yoongi decided to host it in his house, envisioning a cozy and intimate gathering under the stars. He wanted to create a warm atmosphere where everyone could relax and enjoy the festivities.

As the evening chill settled in, Yoongi navigated the Seoul roads in his car, heading towards a particular destination. After thirty minutes of driving, he arrived at an abandoned area housing a house owned by the Min family. Once a site for hostage-keeping during his mafia days, the place had become obsolete after his departure from that life. Yet, Yoongi continued to maintain it over the years, albeit for no apparent purpose. Though he initially had plans to repurpose it, for now, it served its old function. Within its walls, a significant individual was enduring their punishment for kidnapping the beloved partner of someone Yoongi held dear.

Stepping into the house, Yoongi traversed a long corridor. Despite its weathered exterior, he ensured the interior remained well-maintained. Preferring to avoid attention as always, he made his way to the end of the corridor, where a metal door locked from the outside awaited. Retrieving the keys from his pocket, he unlocked the door, revealing a staircase leading to the basement below. Descending the stairs, he surveyed the basement, filled with tools of punishment that would shock any ordinary person. Paying them no mind, Yoongi proceeded to the sole room in the basement, also locked.

Unlocking the room, he waited for his eyes to adjust to the darkness within, the putrid scent causing his stomach to churn. After a few moments, he spotted the person responsible for his profound grief: the eagle-eyed individual chained up in the room, bearing numerous bruises on his body. Yet, these injuries paled in comparison to what Jimin had endured. The sting of betrayal was particularly acute; Jimin would never have imagined someone he knew capable of such atrocities. Even Yoongi himself was baffled by it. The obsession of a psychopath knows no bounds. With venom-laced words, Yoongi called, Yeonjun.


So, how many of you see these coming? Are you happy or disappointed please let me know. Don't forget to vote. Love you guys. Bye❤️

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