CHAPTER-1: The Land of Freedom- Monstadt

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In the preceding chapter, Lumine stumbled upon Paimon, and in return for rescuing her, Paimon pledged to guide Lumine in her quest to find her brother. After a night's rest by the lake, Paimon directed Lumine towards a remarkable structure nestled amidst the waters – the Statue of the Seven.

"This here's the Statue of Seven," Paimon explained, gesturing towards the imposing figure. "It represents the god of Freedom, Barbatos. Each Archon wields power over a specific element, and there are seven in total: Anemo, Geo, Electro, Dendro, Hydro, Pyro, and Cryo."

As Lumine approached the statue, Paimon continued her explanation. "Every elemental power bestowed by the gods is crucial for combating the evils lurking in Tevyat. To harness these powers freely, one requires a special emblem known as a 'Vision'."

As Paimon concluded, Lumine extended her hand towards the statue. To their astonishment, the elemental energy surrounding the monument began to resonate with Lumine, granting her the power of Anemo.

A swarm of slime monsters encircled the statue, drawn by the surging elemental energy in the vicinity. Seizing the opportunity to test her newfound abilities, Lumine procured some ideal targets for practice.

"Anemo, the power of wind, grants you mastery over the air. You can conjure a tornado to draw enemies towards you and hurl it in any direction," echoed the explanation within Lumine's mind.

With a firm grasp of her abilities, Lumine unleashed the power, conjuring a mighty tornado that swept through the swarm of slime monsters, dispersing them in an instant.

After effortlessly dispatching the slime, Lumine and Paimon set their sights on the bustling town visible from the statue's perch. With a plan in mind, they set out towards their destination, but their path was interrupted at the forest's entrance by the presence of a lurking dragon.

Stealthily approaching, Lumine and Paimon observed a mysterious figure conversing with the dragon, accompanied by the melody of a musical instrument. However, Lumine's inadvertent noise startled the dragon, prompting it to depart with the stranger in tow.

Undeterred, Lumine and Paimon investigated the scene, discovering a crimson tear-shaped crystal amidst the aftermath. Perplexed but undeterred, they pocketed the enigmatic crystal and proceeded towards the awaiting town, their curiosity piqued by the encounter in the forest.

As they journeyed, Lumine and Paimon stumbled upon a deserted campsite, where a tantalizing aroma wafted from a pot bubbling over an open flame. Bewildered by the absence of any inhabitants, they lingered in anticipation, only to be startled by a sudden burst of excitement from behind.

Descending from the sky in a flurry of crimson, a spirited young woman clad in vibrant attire greeted them with infectious enthusiasm.

"Uhmm.... Hello! I'm Amber, the Glide Master of the Honorable Knights of Favonius," she exclaimed, her voice brimming with excitement. "I can see you're not from here, so assuming you're not my enemy, are you by any chance tourists wanting to visit our nation, Mondstadt?"

Paimon replied, "No, no, we're not tourists. We're travelers. I'm Paimon, and this is Lumine. We're here to meet Barbatos, the Archon..." Paimon explained their situation, detailing Lumine's quest to find her lost twin brother.

Amber listened intently, her expression shifting as she absorbed their tale. "To meet the Anemo Archon... I see," she murmured, her excitement tempered by a sigh. "But there's an issue. You see, I've never seen Barbatos myself, so I don't know if they'll come to help you. However, as a member of the Knights of Favonius, all that happens in Mondstadt is under our surveillance. I can take you to meet the Acting Grand Master."

"It's better to get started from somewhere. Shall we go, Lumine?" Paimon inquired, turning to Lumine.

After a moment of contemplation, Lumine agreed to accompany Amber. Setting aside their apprehensions, they embarked on a new chapter of their journey, guided by Amber's boundless optimism and the promise of newfound allies in their quest.

After a brisk journey through the forest, they arrived at the gates of Mondstadt, where Amber guided Lumine towards the imposing edifice of the Knights of Favonius. With bated breath, they waited outside as Amber ventured in to pave the way for their meeting.

As they stood anxiously, Paimon's voice betrayed her fears, conjuring doubts of suspicion and incarceration. "Will they even help us? What if they think of us as spies? Paimon doesn't want to end up in jail just on suspicion," she fretted, stuffing Lumine's head with worries.

However, their apprehensions were soon dispelled as Amber emerged, beckoning them into the chamber.

Greeted by the warm smile of Jean, the Acting Grand Master, Lumine and Paimon received assurances of aid in their quest. Yet, Paimon's mistrust lingered, wary of potential traps.

"We are not spies; we are truly here for Lumine's brother. We don't fall for your tricks," Paimon asserted, her voice cracking with tension.

"Oh, my, you think we set up a trap, you cute little pumpkin?" Jean chuckled, her tone reassuring.

"Paimon is not a pumpkin; Paimon is Paimon," Paimon retorted, her voice tinged with annoyance.

Amidst further discussion, the atmosphere lightened, paving the way for a newfound alliance in their pursuit of truth and reunion.

Knock knock "May I come in, Jean?" A mature yet sweet voice called from outside. Two unfamiliar figures entered the room. One, a man around 30 with blue hair and an eye patch, and the other, a striking woman adorned with a witch's hat.

"My, my, unfamiliar faces in the Grand Master's room. Are they your friends, Jean?" the woman inquired.

"Yes, they are my guests," Jean replied, gesturing towards Lumine and Paimon. "This is Lumine, and this is Paimon."

Jean introduced Lumine and Paimon with gentle formality to the others present. "Hello, cutie, I'm Lisa. I'm the librarian. If you need any suggestions, feel free to ask," Lisa chimed in, her tone carrying a slight flirtatious undertone.

The other introduced himself as Kaeya, the Cavalry Master of the Knights of Favonius.

As they chatted, a sudden commotion erupted outside. Rushing to investigate, they witnessed the sky darkening with bizarre weather, shrouding Mondstadt.

"There's someone in the clouds," Paimon exclaimed, pointing upwards. "It's the same dragon we saw!"

"It's the Archon's Dragon," Grand Master Jean said, her tone serious and cautious, hinting at the gravity of the situation.

As the dragon threatened to lay waste to Mondstadt, Lumine, fueled by the newfound power of Anemo, courageously confronted the beast. With every blow exchanged, Lumine fought valiantly, determined to protect the city she had come to call home.

In a fierce clash of wills, Lumine dealt a decisive blow to the dragon, but not without sustaining injuries of her own. Despite the danger, she succeeded in driving the dragon away from the city, securing victory in the face of adversity.

"It was a risky move, Lumine. You should have considered Paimon's safety before jumping into battle," Paimon admonished tearfully.

"I'm sorry, but I had to do something to protect the city," Lumine replied, wrapping Paimon in a comforting embrace, her heart heavy with the weight of her actions.

The victory in Mondstadt was just the beginning for Lumine and Paimon, as they faced an uncertain future filled with challenges and mysteries yet to be revealed. With each battle, they would confront new dangers and uncover deeper truths about the dragon and the Anemo Archon.

But amidst the turmoil and uncertainty, one question burned bright in Lumine's heart: would she ever find the answers she sought about her lost brother? With determination as her guide, Lumine embarked on a journey of discovery, ready to confront whatever obstacles stood in her path.

As the winds of fate continued to swirl around them, Lumine and Paimon braced themselves for the trials ahead, knowing that only by unraveling the mysteries of Tevyat could they hope to find the answers they sought.

Destiny across domainsOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant