27. Opening Up

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Athulya's Pov

Few Days later..

Now that I've finally been discharged from that wretched hospital, I'm back home trying to relax. The pain is manageable, perhaps I've grown accustomed to it over time.

But ever since that dreadful day, one thing has been haunting me relentlessly—the memory of that call. His voice still echoes in my mind, clear as day, maybe even clearer than any other sound.

The thought that he might still be watching me sends shivers down my spine. He was already a nightmare, but now he's become a chilling reality that I can't shake off.

I just want to get rid of him anyhow.

"Baccha, your milk is here. Finish it and close your laptop. Relax a bit before your brother comes and starts nagging again," Bhabhi smiled as she placed the glass on the bedside table.

"Not today. I've had enough milk. I'll make coffee instead," I declared.

Her expression turned stern. "No."

"This will be our little secret," I insisted.

"No, absolutely not," she replied, folding her arms.

"You're just as stubborn as he is," I muttered, and she chuckled before closing the door behind her.

Sighing, I lifted the glass to my lips, trying to ignore the pungent smell of milk that assaulted my senses. Despite my aversion, I took a tentative sip, the liquid cool against my tongue.

As I swallowed, my gaze drifted to the paper peeking out from the drawer. The word "password" taunted me, tempting yet ominous. A part of me urged to leave it be, to ignore the gnawing curiosity that threatened to consume me. But another part, fueled by an insatiable desire for answers, compelled me to reach for it.

Reluctantly, I took another sip of the milk, trying to ignore the paper's beckoning presence. But my curiosity gnawed at me like a persistent itch. Despite my inner protests, my hand eventually reached for the paper, trembling with anticipation.

As I held the paper in my hand, I felt a rush of conflicting emotions - fear, curiosity, and a strange sense of foreboding. The words on the paper seemed to taunt me, daring me to uncover the secrets they held.

With a deep breath, I unfolded the paper and read the cryptic message written in bold black ink: "Your Favorite Uncle - Password."

As I hastily opened the laptop, my fingers flew over the keys, entering the internal codes with practiced ease. Despite my trembling hands, I managed to type in the password, my heart pounding in my chest with each keystroke.

The screen flickered, then went black for a moment before loading. And there it was, mocking me with its audacity – my most inappropriate picture with him, glaring back at me from the screen. It felt as if everything went 15 years back and I am the same fragile girl again.

With a cry of frustration, I hurled the laptop across the room, the metallic crash echoing in the silence.


"See, who is here"

"You are a bad girl"

 "NOOOOOO........." I screamed, my hands flying to cover my ears, desperate to drown out his sinister laughter. I could see him standing in a corner moving towards me. I could see the wickedness of his smile behind his black mask.

With a shiver of fear, I recoiled, scrambling backwards on the cold floor, every instinct urging me to escape his advancing form. But he persisted, his laughter ringing in my ears like a haunting melody, driving me to the brink of madness.

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