15. Guest or problem?

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A/N - It's time skip now, I am way too lazy to write all that marriage stuff. So, ya Veer is married to Akshara now. Remember it.

Athulya's Pov

Everything is going okay now. I've managed to regain my composure after the outburst that day. They understood my situation, that I'm not ready to share everything just yet. It's not that I don't want to, but the thought of reliving those memories requires a level of courage I'm not sure I possess at the moment. However, I'm hopeful that with time, I'll find the strength to confront my past and open up about my experiences. For now, I'm grateful for their understanding and support as I navigate this journey of healing and self-discovery.

I never imagined life could be this peaceful. Everything seems to fall into place effortlessly. Despite rarely attending college, my attendance is still maintained, thanks to the perks of coming from a renowned family. My main focus now is on Crystal, which has started to grow steadily.

We still argue over trivial matters, we still play pranks on each other, and I'm loving every moment of it. Sometimes, I wonder how different my life would have been if I had grown up with them from childhood.

"What happened? Why is everyone so quiet?" I emerged from my room, noticing all my siblings wearing solemn expressions as they moved about. Had I missed something while I was absorbed in my painting?

"She is coming.." Vihan answered.

Now, who is she? Oh goddamn!

"Who?" I asked, and he sighed. "Bua dadi.."

Now, who is this Bua Dadi? Is she someone we should hate?

"So, what's the problem?" I asked again, and he made me sit down to answer all my questions. "She is the problem!"

Oh! Now, I have an imaginary image of hers in mind of those typical Indian aunties or I should say Budhiyas.

"She is Dada sa's sister, so Bua-dadi. But she is not even 1% like him, a typical walking snake she is. She will bite you and you will not even realize."

"And when is she coming?" I asked again.

"In a few hours!"

What? Not tomorrow! Not today, but in a few hours?

"Why was I not informed earlier?" I questioned all of them.

"Because even we don't know. She just called Dadu that she is coming," Aarushi answered.

I haven't even seen that old lady, and I am getting very bad vibes about her, especially considering the way my siblings and Ma are reacting. And even my record with old ladies isn't that good.

To ease the tension looming in the air, I decided to distract myself with some Netflix. I scrolled through the options, searching for something to watch as a means of escape. Just as I settled on a show and reached for the popcorn, the remote fight started.

"Aarav give the remote to me" Veer demanded as if he is the smallest one here. Can't he be a bit mature?

"Why? Can't you move your ass few inches to take it?" Aarav didn't moved a single inch to pass the remote.

"You! No cursing , I keeps scolding them and here you are doing it. Yuvaan pass the remote"

"Vihan, pass the remote to bhai" Yuvaan passed it to Vihan.

"Aarushi, pass the remote to me, I will give to Yuvaan and he will to Bhai"

"Athu.. give the remote yaar"

"Hey, h-hey , this is wrong yaar. Why me?" Now it was on me. Is this a pass-pass going on? Can't they let me have some popcorn in piece.

"You are younger than us" Yuvaan chuckled.

Shades of Bonds - ✔ [Completed] #Book2Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz