25. In hospital

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Aaryaveer's POV

I have been observing her since a while. But never did I tried to go beyond that. One thing was clear that there isn't a thing but a lot of things she had been hiding.

I waited not wanting to push her, I thought she will tell us. But when it became clear that she will not.

I knew I had to use my own ways. I need to find out her whole past.

First she hid the bullying thing and now many more. It hurted me hearing how they bullied my kiddo.

How can someone be this cruel?

Taking decisive action, I made a trip to Australia to shut down the school responsible, ensuring that the owner faced the consequences of their negligence. But that was just the beginning. Tracking down every individual involved in harming my child became my mission.

I made certain they lost their jobs and brought them into my company, where I can keep a close watch on them. They'll spend their days under my scrutiny, facing the consequences of their actions as they endure a life of misery.

But this wasn't the end. There were still many hidden aspects of her past waiting to be uncovered, and I was determined to unearth them.

It seems there's more to uncover about her past, and I'm determined to unearth every hidden detail. The Oberois are already embroiled in chaos, and Aarav's involvement with the Shekhawats will only complicate matters further.

But I need to delve deeper. I want to unravel every aspect of her life.

And the audacity of someone poisoning my sister... It's clear to me now that there's a threat looming over her. Perhaps she's aware of it and is playing along, but either way, her safety is paramount.

I dial Adi's number.

"I've sent you a number. Keep it under surveillance—I want every scrap of information you can gather."

"Sure, sir," he responds promptly.

As I scrolled through the messages, I dialed another number.

"I instructed you to monitor her movements. Where did she go this morning?"

"Sir, she stopped a few lanes before the red light area. I followed her from there, and then she spoke with two women in that area."

The red light area? What was she doing there?

Suddenly, she turned in her sleep, murmuring something I couldn't quite make out. Had I been speaking too loudly?

"Shh... sleep," I reassured her, patting her head gently as she half-opened her eyes before drifting back into slumber.

"Pick up both of them, interrogate them. I need all details by tomorrow. Do whatever it takes."

"Sure, sir. Should I continue monitoring her movements, or is the task complete?"

"Keep monitoring until I instruct otherwise. And keep me informed about every detail."

I will not let anything happen to her. If she has decided to keep hiding things then I am into unravelling them.



It was morning when she woke up, and as soon as her phone buzzed, I noticed a change in her movements. She hurriedly picked it up, blocking my view. I could see the frown on her face as if she were cursing someone.

I needed to know what it was. I dialed Adi and stepped out to find out. He might have hacked her phone by now.

"Did you get the details?"

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