Argent Dawn Arc, ep4

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Episode 4: The fifth division

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Tristan's group had split up and so had the enemy group, each was about to engage in combat against a member of the argent knight group they encountered.

- Jeremy: Well, hi there! I am Jeremy, friend of that guy there wearing that argent uniform, who is about to kick your teammate's ass. And you are?

- Samwell: I'm called Samwell, and I am a member of the argent division number five, under commander Levi Evant.

- Jeremy: Oh, I see.. you're the ones holding lady Marielle. That makes you my enemy.

- Samwell: Is that so?

The two drew their blades and charged towards eachother.

Not far from them stood Elaine and her opponent.

- Elaine: Wish we could settle things in a more peaceful way. But combat seems to be the only way. I am Elaine, your opponent today.

- Jeyne: Well greetings, Elaine. I am Jeyne, member of the fifth argent division.

- Elaine: fifth division?

- Jeyne: Yes, the Argent Dawn consists of 11 divisions, each led by a commander. My commander is Levi, you might have seen him.

- Elaine: Haven't had the pleasure.

- Jeyne: Not much of a pleasure, unless he's in a good mood.

Elaine drew her sword.

- Elaine: Well, Jeyne.. where's your blade?

- Jeyne: I don't use a sword.

Jeyne pulled 2 daggers out of her boots.

- Elaine: Seriously? Knives in the boots? Are you a knight of the Argent Dawn, or a housewife coming home from the store past sunset?

- Jeyne: You shouldn't underestimate them.

- Elaine: Well then.. shall we?

The two then also charged towards eachother.

Meanwhile in the capital of the Argent Dawn, Commander Levi Evant was strolling down his division's gardens when Kael appeared.

- Kael: Commander.

Levi stopped and looked at Kael.

- Kael: I apologise for interrupting your walk.

- Levi: Just interrupting my walk? You've been watching me from behind the trees for the past hour.

- Kael: I couldn't find the right moment to approach.

- Levi: What is it that you wish to talk about?

- Kael: Commander, I wanted to express my doubt..

- Levi: What doubt?

- Kael: My doubt in.. your decision.

- Levi: You doubt your commander's decision?

Kael didn't reply.

- Levi: I see. Emotional attachment, is it not?

- Kael: I just don't think execution is necessary for a crime of this level.

- Levi: A crime of this level is punished by death in the Argent Dawn. This is the law, we all live here by the law. If we were to neglect it, there wouldn't be order, but chaos. This is why laws exist. We are all beneath them.

- Kael: But commander, you are the one who taught me to do what I believe is right and not what others believe is right.

- Levi: This is different, you will learn in time.

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