Argent Dawn Arc, ep3

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Episode 3: The battles ahead

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Morning came and Tristan was the first to get up,followed by Bernard, Elaine and Jeremy.

- Tristan: This night felt eternal.

- Elaine: Yeah, I could hardly sleep, knowing that the enemy could find and ambush us at any given moment.

- Jeremy: I suppose this is how small animals feel like in the wild, prey..

- Tristan: What's with all of you? Feeling like prey.. The enemy fears us too.

- Elaine: At least until they find out we're just a bunch of average humans, that is.

- Tristan: Don't lose motivation, we're here with a goal. A mission to complete.

- Elaine: Wait, guys, where is Scarlett?

Everyone looked around.

- Jeremy: Now that I think about it.. I haven't seen her.

- Tristan: Where did she spend the night?

- Elaine: Over there! - Elaine pointed at a big pile of leaves.

When they approached the site, they found a note.

"Group, I have to go into hiding for a little while.I will return, but we can't afford to wait until this moment comes. I've left you a map of the valley and pinpointed the location of the Argent Dawn's main city, that is where you have to go. Wishing you good luck and we'll meet again soon! - Scarlett"

After reading the note out loud, Tristan saw Elaine weeping.

- Tristan: Hey, what are you doing?! Scarlett will be back, you know.

- Elaine: It's not that.. I'm just.. so happy we'll get a break.

- Tristan: Huh??

- Jeremy: Yes, and she better take her time, we went through hell those 9 days. And she called us trash. - Said Jeremy, while also weeping.

- Tristan: You two are so embarrassing.. Hey, Bernard, let's check for--

Turning towards Bernard, Tristan saw a tear running down his left cheek.

- Bernard: Miss Scarlett, wherever you are.. stay there.. - he whispered.

- Tristan: Ah.. idiots..

The group continued on their way through the forest soon after.

In the meantime, Marielle was in the central prison tower, sitting by a window and looking at the town outside.

- Marielle(thinking): I never believed I would see the Argent Dawn from this side, this angle. The central prison tower, the place people spent their last days alive in. Those are the only people, who have seen the view and they didn't live to tell anyone else. How did I end up here - in the prison for the worst criminals.. Was my crime that big? Or is--

Her thoughts were interrupted by the sound of the tower gate opening and a familiar figure walking in.

- Marielle: The last person I expected to see here is you.

- Kael: Well, the last person I expected to see locked in the central prison tower during this lifetime was you too, but here we are.

- Marielle: What do you want.

- Kael: There has been a breakthrough in the Argent Dawn.

- Marielle: What!?

- Kael: A group of Intruders, we have yet to determine the number. They entered the forest illusion and found the way out within an hour. They reached the Marble Gate and crossed it, within an hour. This hasn't happened once in the last thousand years.. until today.

Marielle's facial expression changed drastically - from unbothered to concerned.

- Kael: I just thought I'd tell you this.

Kael then walked away and the guards closed the door again. Marielle was left alone in the shadows within the tower.

- Marielle: Could it be..


- Tristan: Bern, how far away are we?

- Bernard: It doesn't look like a lot.

- Elaine: That weird looking tree we passed also didn't seem far at first, but it did take 3 hours to get to it.

- Tristan: You guys should be grateful that we were just a day away from the Marble Gate when we entered. If I remember correct, they said the realm of the Argent Dawn is infinitely large. Imagine their main land was a human's lifetime away from that weird forest we entered through.

- Jeremy: I just wish there were horses here...

The next turn they made, they saw a bunch of horses tied to a tree.

- Tristan: Huh, how?

- Elaine: Damn, Jeremy, who don't you wish for a flying machine next?

- Jeremy: I could try.

- Tristan: Don't be ridiculous..

Everyone walked towards the horses, but Tristan heard steps from behind. When he turned around, he saw 4 men in Argent Dawn uniforms carrying swords.

- Tristan: Guys, we might have company.

The two groups found themselves facing one another.

Tristan pointed his blade towards the argent knights.

- Tristan: Introduce yourselves, soldiers!

- Soldier1: You should be the ones introducing yourselves, intruders! It is our land you walk, our air you breathe! State your names and your purpose.

- Tristan: My name is Tristan Crestfall, I am here with my friends: Jeremy, Elaine and Bernard. We are here to free Marielle!

- Soldier2: They're here for to help the traitor!

- Soldier1: I see. Prepare for battle!

- Elaine: I guess it's time for a combat plan.

- Tristan: Combat what?--

Tristan turned around to see that everyone else had started running.

- Tristan: Hey! What the hell?!

- Soldier1: Catch the others, this one is mine.

The soldiers then dispersed after Tristan's friends.

Soon, everyone was in position and had a foe to fight. The battle would be settled in a one versus one style.

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To be continued..

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