New Land Arc, ep9

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Episode 9: Written fate
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In a dark hallway, Kael Nyght walked with a torch in hand, doors of prison cells on both sides. He reached a certain one and stopped.

- Kael: It's the 8th day.

A soft voice replied from inside.

- Marielle: I know.

- Kael: You do? You have no access to sunlight.

- Marielle: They bring me food every once in a while. In the Argent Dawn, prisoners are given 2 meals a day - one in the morning, another in the evening. Earlier I received my 15th meal, it marks my 8th day. The next, my 16th, would mark my 8th night.

- Kael: They took your sword and your uniform, but they can't take away your logic and common sense.

- Marielle: There are powers in the world capable of that. Just not within the Argent Dawn.

Marielle was in an empty cell, sitting on the ground in a dirty white robe, her left leg and left arm chained to the wall.

- Kael: I'm here to take you to the courthouse. The trial is about to begin.

Kael unlocked the cell, went in and removed Marielle's chains. Marielle got up and the two started walking down the corridors. Once outside, they headed for the courthouse.

Marielle was nearly blinded by the sunlight, she hadn't seen it in a while.

- Kael: I can see it was your 15th meal, the other 14 have not been touched by you, but by the rats only.

- Marielle: Giving it to me instead of them is a waste of food. They rats will live longer than me.

- Kael: Silly, do you really think our lord will allow them to take your life. The two of us been a part of his life for many years now, he'd never allow such a thing. I mean, yes, your crime is a big one, but he is one of the highest ranked individuals in the Argent Dawn. He will talk the judges out of that..

- Marielle: He will not.. You haven't seen the side of him that I have.

- Kael: What are you talking about?

- Marielle: You underestimate lord Levi's sense of judgement. He is a man, who values honor above all else. By doing.. what I did.. I brought shame not just to him, but to our entire division. He will not go against the decision of the judge..

Before realising, Kael and Marielle were at the gate of the courthouse.

- Kael: This is as far as I can go, good luck.

Marielle went inside..

- Kael(thinking): Each knight in the Argent Dawn is put in a division upon joining. When a member of the organisation is to be judged at the courthouse, his division's leader is summoned to defend him. I have no doubt master Levi will not let them do any harm to Marielle.

- Marielle(thinking): "Good luck" he said. I wish luck could help, Kael, but it can't.. and it won't.. Why? It's simple - My fate..

- Judge: Lady Marielle of the Argent Dawn, member of division number 5 under captain and leader Levi Evant. The courthouse has received a full report for your crimes in the human realm of Stormwind and after a full review, we have reached an agreement. The courthouse has come up with a punishment that has received the full support of 5th division captain and leader Levi Evant!

Marielle looks at Levi, but he does not look towards her.

- Judge: You are hereby sentenced to death by public execution on the central execution grounds of the Argent Dawn, which will take place 12 days from now!

- Marielle(thinking): As I said, the reason why luck can't help is simple. My fate.. is already written.


After the trial, Levi Evant was walking towards his manor in the division 5 grounds of the Argent Dawn. From behind him appeared Kael, running.

- Kael: Sir! Sir!

Levi stopped, but did not turn around.

- Levi: What is it, Kael?

- Kael: Why.. Why didn't you object to the decision of the courthouse?

- Levi: Why should I? Marielle committed a serious crime and offense against the Argent Dawn.

- Kael: The Argent Dawn.. or the 5th division?

Levi looked at Kael.

- Levi: The decision is final. Go back to your duties.

Kael bowed his head and Levi continued on his way.

Meanwhile, elite guards were transporting Marielle to the central prison tower of the Argent Dawn.

- Marielle(thinking): The central prison tower - standing at 500 meters tall. 5 floors and many stairs in-between. Built from a toxic material, which drains one's power and energy while inside. Made only for people, who have been sentenced to death - it's where they spend their last 12 days. I've read each floor is completely empty, except for one small window on the east and west sides, allowing one to see each sunrise and each sunset until their last.

When they got to the tower, the guards opened the gate and they went inside. It was indeed as the books described it - dark and empty, with but just two windows and a lot of stairs.

- Guard: Well, this is where you're staying. Enjoy. Oh and we heard that while you were in your division's prison, you refused food. Just so you know, you won't have to refuse it now, because here, nobody brings any food.

- Marielle: Figured out as much.

- Guard: We'll meet again in 12 days, if you're still alive.

The guards left and sealed the gate.

- Marielle(thinking): Ah, I can feel it now. Just as they left.. the aura of this place feels like an ever growing weight on my back and shoulders. Weak as of now, but will become worse. So this is how it feels.. to have 12 days to live.

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