Chapter 16

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Kydro and the other Runners were insistent on setting everything up themselves, though we got the chance to give them a couple of ideas. Otherwise, we were sequestered off into separate side tents so that we could be 'prepared.' Tarja was running back and forth from the tents to help out both Rhys and I. For me, she was helping me into a special light blue-and-white dress I assume she conjured out of thin air, and applying some makeup and stuff to my hair to make it less ratty and more washed-up. By the time they were finished and let me see how I looked in a mirror, I looked like a princess out of a Disney movie.

"You look amazing!" Felice said as I looked at myself in the mirror, "You look like a real princess!"

"I mean, when Rhys and I get married, I'll technically be one," I said, smiling, "Or a spare. Either way doesn't matter much."

I took a deep breath, and faced the entrance that would take me out to the ceremony.

"Are you ready?" Felice asked, "I'll be by your side as long as you need me to be."

"I'm ready," I said, "I'm ready for this."

My heart was racing as I made my way out of the small set-up tent. Rhys was at the other end, in front of the main tent, standing straight up and smiling right at me, practically glowing as she watched me slowly approach her. The logs people had been using around the camp had been arranged for everyone to sit down - the entire camp of Redemption. As I slowly walked up the aisle, I noticed that up in the front, spaces usually reserved for family, Tarja and Avarice were sitting next to each other and the boys, and there were three empty seats next to them. Floating in the air over those empty seats, in a mystical-looking cloud, were three different names:




I almost burst into tears, right then and there, when I saw those names. I managed to keep myself composed as I arrived at Rhys, and Kydro took his spot in front of us.

Kydro smiled at me, smiled at Rhys, then raised his hands and started speaking.

"As we gather together in merriment and joy, we bind these two in union, so that even when time has come and gone, your souls will forever be entwined, and shall find each other forever. Please, say your vows."

Rhys turned to me and took my hands, holding them up to her chest and smiling.

"Riley Newman," said Rhys, "I vow that as long as you live, I am to be your sword and shield, the light in your darkness. Not a moment will go by that you have to worry or be scared, for I will always be there to help and supply. Our love will last forever, and our union will be forever, and I wouldn't have it any other way."

I wasn't sure if I was going to be able to top that, but when Rhys finished and nodded to me, I took a deep breath and started to speak.

"Rhys Rivera," I said, "From the moment we met, I knew there was something special about you. And as we've travelled along this road together, through all the highs and lows, if I had to do it all over again, I would choose you as my wife every time. We'll be side by side through every battle, whether it be physical or mental, or any other battle that I can't think of. Our bond is strong, and it will stay strong, forever."

"As you've spoke your vows, so it shall be!" said Kydro with a smile on his face, "Please take these rings and place them on the other's fingers, to symbolize your everlasting unity."

The man handed the two of us the rings. Rhys went first, gently taking my left hand and carefully slid the ring onto my finger, where it settled perfectly. I took a brief second to look at it before I took Rhys' hand and slid the ring on her finger as well, where it also settled perfectly.

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