Chapter 13

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When my eyes readjusted after the portal teleportation, it took me a moment to register what was going on around me. The camp had been ransacked. People were strewn about, some seemingly okay, some wiped out but still moving, and some lying around, not moving at all.

"What the hell happened?!" I said out loud when I realized something bad was happening, "What's going on here?!"

"Split up, see what's going on!" Killian said, pulling Arilena away, "I got this one."

I nodded and we did just that. Felice was in control, possessing my body, pulling my sword, and moving us through the camp, taking in the sights just as someone came running towards us.


It was Dimitri, with a bleeding shoulder wound.

"Dimitri!" I said. Felice had me take a sip of Elixir and use a healing spell, closing the open wound on the wolf-man's shoulder. Dimitri flexed his arm for a moment, and then he turned back to me.

"Thanks." he said.

"Where's Rhys and the boys?" I asked, "Are they in the tent?"

"I haven't seen them since the attack began!" Said Dimitri, "I lost sight of them!"

My heart ran cold, and Felice's did as well. It took me a moment to come back to my senses. I broke into a sprint towards the tent, and that was when I saw smoke rising from it.

Felice, always the best at multi-tasking, downed another Elixir as we pushed through some bushes and finally got to the tent I had been sharing with Rhys, the boys, and Vionna.

The tent was on fire.

The tent was on fire.

"NO!" I screamed at the top of my lungs, "RHYS! BAUGH! JAGOS! VIONNA!"

Felice sprinted towards the burning tent, cutting off my yelling as she used my tongue to chant a spell. When she finished, she raised my hand and fired a stream of water like a fire hose, extinguishing the fire as my heart continued to race.

When the fire was out, I sprinted inside without Felice's input. The inside of the tent was empty, which was both good and bad at the same time.

"Where are they?!" Felice said before I could, "If not here, then..."


Right on cue, Vionna came running into the half-burnt tent, stopping in front of me.

"Vionna!" I said, "Where's Rhys and my kids?"

"Daniel got them to the main tent when the soldiers started moving in," said Vionna, "But... but they got Rhys!"

"They WHAT?!" Felice shouted with so much force it physically staggered me, "Where did they go?! Which way?!"

Felice took control of my body and grabbed Vionna by the jacket she was wearing.

"Which way?!" Felice shouted, before I forced back control and let go of Vionna.

"Felice, please calm down!" I said, "Vionna?"

"I didn't get a chance to see!" said Vionna, pointing to the eyesore in the distance, "Rhys made me hide when the attacks started!"

Just then, a scream that sounded familiar rang through the camp.

"Daniel?!" I said, bolting in the direction the scream was coming from with Vionna right next to me. We made it to the main tent, the one Daniel and the wolf-brothers could usually be found in, which had been torn up and scorched from recently put-out fire. Daniel was lying in front of it with a dagger sticking out of his shoulder.

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