Chapter 9

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As the lights of the portal gave way to the clearing near Redemption's camp, I was feeling incredibly accomplished. Despite everything, we managed to persevere, and had no casualties at all.

Vionna stayed close to us, seemingly nervous around so many different people. She kind of reminded me of me when I started college and didn't know anyone. I stayed close to her, and so did Rhys as we made our way across the camp to our tent, which was empty.

"The boys must still be with Tarja." I said, "Was that all you brought, Vionna?"

"I've never owned much," Vionna said, "And that bag has been packed for a very long time. I wanted to try and escape that horrid village for years. I just never had the chance to get out."

"Once this is all over, what do you plan to do?" I asked, "Once the emperor's been defeated and all?"

"Honestly, I'd love to travel," said Vionna, "I grew up in the same place with the same people for hundreds of years, and I want to see something new."

"Praise Oktu to that," said Rhys, "I grew up sneaking around a castle, so I can relate."

Vionna grinned at that. It was nice to get a chance to wind down after everything that happened. I had just sat down on the cot I shared with Rhys, when Kydro slipped into the tent.

"Good to see you," said Kydro as soon as he saw us, "I know you probably want to put your feet up and see your children after that mission, but Rogal and Daniel need to see you as soon as possible. They said it was super important."

"Dimitri already filled me in on that." I said, "They're in the main tent, right?"

"That's where Rogal usually resides, so I'd assume yes." Kydro said.

"Let's head over there now, then we'll go see Baugh and Jagos." I said, "Kydro, this is Vionna, she'll be staying in our tent for the time being. Can you give her a tour of some of the facilities while we're gone?"

"It would be my honor." said Kydro, "If you'd follow me, miss?"

Vionna nodded, almost looking starstruck at the elf in front of us. I had almost forgotten that the Runners were technically celebrities in this world, since I had spent so much time with them.

"We shouldn't keep him waiting." said Rhys. I nodded, and the two of us made our way to the main tent. Rogal was there as we expected when we got there. Daniel was also there, and they both looked more grim than usual.

"We have a major problem." said Rogal when Rhys and I stepped into the tent.

"I've been informed," I said, "What exactly is going on?"

"Rogal seems to believe we have a faithless." said Daniel, "Though frankly, I thought it was ridiculous until he managed to prove it."

"A what?" I asked.

"A traitor." said Rhys, "That's a term for traitors."

"Oh." I said, "Why do you think that? Got evidence to back up that claim?"

"As a matter of fact, I do." said Rogal, "Having suspected this for a while, I told Dimitri to change things up when he was on his mission, pretending it was a case of impulsivity - a common occurrence for him, as I am sure you're aware of - "

"Never a truer word has been spoken." Daniel said. Rogal ignored him as he continued.

"Anyway, as I suspected, when Dimitri changed up the plans for his ambush at the last second, the guards had been expecting the original plan and prepared accordingly. That was the proof I needed."

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