Chapter 11

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The first order of business, as I told the boys, was that we had to tell Rogal what was going on. Sure enough, he was back in the main tent with Daniel and Dimitri, who must have returned since I left him. Rogal immediately looked alarmed when I stepped in with Xelsa and Killian.

"We have an issue," I said, motioning to Xelsa. Xelsa explained everything, verbatim the way he had told me, and when he finished, everyone in the tent looked grim.

"Xelsa... this is really bad." said Rogal after a moment, "But we have other problems as well. Several villages we thought the emperor would overlook are being menaced by his guards - he must have been quite rattled by what we did to some of his stronger enslavements already."

"This is something we have to handle right away," said Daniel, "Which means there already aren't many people to spare. I was planning on sending in you and Rhys, Riley."

"Then Rhys will have to do this one alone," I said, despite the icy feeling in my gut, "I trust her, she'll do fine. If there's anyone to spare, we'll take them."

Rogal sighed.

"Do it." he said after a moment, "Tell Rhys to meet us here so we can debrief her on what she has to do, then head out. Once that's done, tell Avarice what she has to do, so you can get going."

"Don't you go dying on me," said Dimitri, "You're a beacon around here, and if that gets snuffed out, we're gonna lose this thing."

"I haven't died yet," I said, "I don't plan on dying now."

Dimitri smiled, then turned back to Rogal and Daniel as myself, Killian, and Xelsa made our way out of the tent.

"I'll go inform Avarice on what we're doing," said Killian, "I'll need you as well Xelsa, to tell her where your home is."

"Gotcha." said Xelsa.

"I'll meet you guys at the portal." I said. With that, the three of us split up, as I made my way back to the family tent, for lack of a better term for it. Sure enough, Rhys had managed to get Baugh out of bed, a feat that I was shocked by since it usually took both of us to pull that off, though Baugh looked as grumpy as he usually did in the morning.

"What's going on?" Rhys asked, "What did Killian have to say."

"We talked for a bit, but something else came up." I said as I stepped over and ran my fingers through Baugh's hair, causing him to purr a little, which was always cute.

"What's going on?" Rhys asked.

"Xelsa needs me to help his people," I said, "He also got Killian on board and some others.

"You'll need me along, right?" Rhys asked.

"No, not this time," I said, "Rogal and Dimitri need you, and I need you to stay back and keep an eye on... them."

I winked at her, and Rhys knew immediately what I was talking about. Killian and Xelsa seemed confused, but when they glanced over at Baugh and Jagos, they must have assumed I was talking about the boys.

"I see," said Rhys, "Yeah, you're right, it's probably better if I stay back. Good luck, know I'm there with you in spirit."

She kissed me on the cheek.

"For luck." she said, "Not that you need it. I don't even have to ask you to come back alive, because I already know you're going to."

"Oh, you know me too well," I said, chuckling and rolling my eyes, "Rogal needed to talk to you, by the way, about what you have to do."

"I'll get right on that," said Rhys, "See you when I see you."

Rhys and I split up as I made my way to the portal clearing, while Rhys made her way to the main tent. Despite me not worrying at all, a pang of worry flashed in my heart, which I immediately recognized as not mine.

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