Chapter 12

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I should have done something, like screamed, or cried, or yelled, anything, but I was just too shocked to move at the moment. There had to be a way out, I knew there had to be a way out, but I wasn't seeing it. Drops of rain started falling on my head, just to add to the whole misery.

"Moor-acu, look!" Felice said. I turned and saw that Xelsa and Killian had pinned down Arilena, who appeared to be either screaming or sobbing, or both.

"What the hell happened?!" I yelled as I made my way over to the group.

"We caught this little faithless trying to sneak across the bridge!" said Killian, his voice deep and filled with rage, "When we tried to stop him, he tried to fight us off - "

"A big mistake on his part, by the way." Xelsa interjected, "So we tossed his bow and arrows into the birina."

"And that was when the bridge exploded," Killian finished, "I have a feeling this little thing knew it was going to happen and leave us stranded!"

"You'd be right," I said, showing them the note I had found in the tower, "The brother. It has to be him. Rogal had suspected it and asked me to keep an eye on him. I didn't expect something so... blatant."

"So what do we do with him?" Killian asked, "Should we kill him?"

"Let him go," I said, "He's been disarmed, right?"

"Almost literally, but I managed to control myself." said Xelsa.

"Then there's nothing he can do to hurt us. Let him go, and let's chat a little."

Xelsa and Killian did just that, letting Arilena go and allowing him to fall to the ground. Ari turned and sat on the ground, hugging his knees as I knelt down to him.

"Explain the plan. Now." I said, keeping my voice measured and as calm as possible, "You're a part of something, and we need to know what it is."

Arilena said nothing - he was still choking back sobs and trying to breathe.

"TALK!" Xelsa said, taking a step towards the half-elf.

"Xelsa, stop!" I said, "Back off."

Xelsa did as he was told, leaving us in silence aside from the wind and the howling of the wolves on the other side of the destroyed bridge.

"Killian, take Xelsa and check out the situation," I said, "See if there's anything we can do to get back to the other side."

"Yes ma'am," said Killian. He and Xelsa went over to the bridge while I sat down in front of Arilena, who had finally managed to catch his breath and look up at me.

"Why did you send them away?" Ari asked, "I could do something, I could attack you, or kill you."

"No you couldn't," I said, "And no you won't. Now talk."

Arilena blinked, then sighed, and then he finally started talking.

"My brother and I have no choice," said Ari, "We were forced to work for Sallaena."

"Easton's right hand." said Felice.

"She told us what to do," Ari said, "She told us where to go. I was the one who told Xelsa his people were being put in cages here. I didn't expect them to leave me stranded here as well, away from my brother."

"It's almost like the tyrannical empire is evil or something," I said, "Who would've thought."

"You do not need to rub in the fact that our betrayal was a bad thing," Arilena said, "We did not have much choice in the matter."

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