Chapter 28

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The week flies by, paced by our warm reunions with Ezio. Still living at Andy's, absence making us more imaginative in our sexual encounters. When not in Ezio's arms, I'm at the studio, applying the final touches to my album. This frenetic rhythm allows me to set aside my apprehension about Saturday night and to banish any intrusive and negative thoughts from my mind.

Saturday morning. I wake up with a knot in my stomach and anxiety. Struck with nausea, I rush to the bathroom and vomit the contents of my stomach into the toilet. I hear footsteps rushing behind me and feel Andy's hand holding my hair.

— Damn, May, it's the third time this week you've started your day with your head in the bowl. Don't you want to see a doctor ?

— It's nothing, it's just my anxiety getting the better of me.

— Hmm, I'm not convinced. And since I knew you'd try to dodge, I bought you this.

— A pregnancy test? Seriously ? I exclaim, looking at the stick Andy is handing me.

— We can't say that you and Ezio are very vigilant about protection, and given how often you fuck, there's room for doubt.

I sigh and stand up.

— Yeah, we'll deal with that later.

— Oh no, you don't understand. You're not leaving the toilet until you've peed on this piece of plastic. If necessary, I'll handcuff you to the WC and watch you do it.

— No, I'll be fine, I should manage on my own. I resign myself, pushing Andy out of the bathroom.

— I'm staying in front of the door, and I want to see the used stick as proof before letting you out. Andy shouts in a determined voice, muffled by the closed door.

I sigh at the words of my tormentor and examine the stick, my heartbeat serving as the metronome for my anxiety.

— I hope you're wrong, Andy. I murmur, staring at the test in my hands.

I sit on the toilet and urinate on the strip. I dress, open the door, and hand the test to Andy, saying:

— Is that satisfactory, Madam? May I leave now ?

Andy looks at me contentedly and goes to sit on the bed, clearing the way for me.

— All we have to do now is wait a few minutes and we'll be set.

I collapse onto the bed with a heavy sigh. The minutes feel like hours, and suddenly I hear Andy let out a shriek.

— Don't fucking tell me...

— Yes, May, I'm going to be a godmother ! Andy exclaime, joyfully waving the holy grail in her hand.

I take it from her hands and examine it, convinced she's playing a prank on me. But, unfortunately, the result is unmistakable; the test is positive.

— Bloody hell, this can't be true, I can't be pregnant, not now !

I start pacing and panicking, then Andy grabs me by the arms and faces me.

— Hey calm down, you'll be fine.

— But how can I be fine? My career is booming, my boyfriend is a fucking mafioso and his family hates me. Our daily lives are dangerous and absolutely not healthy for a baby. I'm not even ready for this idea, so imagine Ezio's reaction !

— Maybe you should have thought about that before going at it like hormone-raged teenagers without protection.

I give Andy a withering look and turn away from her.

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