Chapter 1-5

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Chapter 1

  "It is known that dragons are real. They are strong, violent, and have a strong desire to conquer and possess. They can summon storms, thunder and lightning, and tsunamis. In many battles recorded in history, as long as there are dragons, there will never be any Failure. Such a powerful race suddenly disappeared five hundred years ago. The star chain includes five major galaxies, but there is no trace of them."

  The white-haired old man pushed up his glasses and said to his students. , and the only student this year said: "For hundreds of years, there have been countless people who have studied the Dragon Clan and tried to find the Dragon Clan, but now that it has developed, do you know why there are only two people left, me and you? "

  In fact, this professor who studies dragons has not been able to accept students for many years.

  The old man was deeply surprised to receive one this year.

  After all, people always have to consider their own future and cannot just pursue illusory dreams.

  Jiang Xubai stood in front of the old man, a little cautious: "Teacher, is it because humans can't find dragons?"

  The old man gently touched the books placed on the desk. On the title page, there was a giant dragon with black golden eyes. Spread your wings and stand on the towering ancient trees, as if you are looking into the unknown distance.

  The old man turned his head and looked out the window. Today, with the rapid development of interstellar civilization, no one can hide quietly without leaving a trace.

  But the Dragons did it.

  The old man sighed: "Yes, you have just entered school, I shouldn't hit you, but unfortunately, although we are studying dragons, I can only teach you about the history of the dragon clan, and I know nothing else.

  "Maybe they have left the Starlink range and found their own planet, or maybe, as history says, they suffered heavy casualties in a certain war and had difficulty reproducing, so,"

  the old man said in a heavy voice . : "They may have become extinct."

  Jiang Xubai: "..."

  In fact, even if the teacher didn't tell him, he himself knew this.

  He has been fond of dragons since he was a child. He received a dragon figurine for the first time in kindergarten. When he became an adult, he decided to be admitted to the Imperial Academy of Rare Species to study. His goal was very determined, that is, he wanted to find dragons!

  Jiang Xubai said firmly: "Teacher, they must still exist, but they are too powerful. Our current technology cannot capture their traces, but I believe that one day, our tracking technology will definitely A breakthrough!"

  The old man looked at the stars in the young students' eyes and instantly thought of himself when he was young.

  Every young person has the dream of finding a dragon.


  the old man stood up from his seat, picked up a golden badge, walked up to Jiang Xubai, and pinned the badge on Jiang Xubai's chest himself.

  In the golden badge, there is a small dragon-shaped carving next to the student's name, which represents Jiang Xubai's research direction.

  The old man touched the sculpture and patted Jiang Xubai on the shoulder with a smile: "Come on, you will definitely find the dragon."

Raised By Dragons 《被惡龍們飼養了_迎鶴【完結】》Where stories live. Discover now