Chapter 7: Shifting Melodies

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Author's POV

The sterile walls of the hospital room felt colder than ever. Melody lay in bed, staring blankly at the ceiling. The news of Wonwoo's visit, delivered by a sympathetic nurse, had brought a flicker of recognition to her eyes, followed by a wave of confusion.

Who was Wonwoo? Was he the one in the pictures Beth had shown? The man everyone said she loved? The questions swirled in her mind, unanswered and frustrating.

Suddenly, the door creaked open, and a figure entered the room. A wave of disappointment washed over Melody. It wasn't Wonwoo. It was S.Coups, the leader of Seventeen, a man she recognized vaguely from pictures and music videos.

"Hi, Melody," he said softly, a gentle smile gracing his lips. "I'm S.Coups, from Seventeen."

Melody nodded hesitantly, her memory refusing to cooperate. "Why are you here?" she asked, her voice small.

"We're all worried about you," S.Coups replied, pulling up a chair beside her bed. "We're friends with Wonwoo, and we want to see you get better."

He spoke with a warmth and sincerity that resonated with Melody. He brought her a book of word puzzles, a colorful diversion intended to stimulate her mind. As the days turned into weeks, S.Coups became a regular visitor. He brought her music, not just Seventeen's songs but classics from various genres, hoping to spark a memory. He read her stories, his deep voice a soothing melody that lulled her anxieties to sleep.

Slowly, a new kind of comfort bloomed within Melody. S.Coups' visits became something she looked forward to, a bright spot in her monotonous days. He never pushed, never pressured her to remember. He simply offered his presence, a steady hand in the storm of her amnesia.

One afternoon, while flipping through a music magazine with S.Coups, Melody's hand paused over a photo of Seventeen. Her brow furrowed in concentration, a spark of recognition igniting in her eyes.

"Seventeen..." she whispered, pointing at the picture. "I know this group."

S.Coups' heart leaped. Could this be a breakthrough? "That's right," he encouraged, a gentle smile playing on his lips. "Do you remember any of their songs?"

Melody hummed a familiar tune, her brow furrowed in effort. S.Coups recognized it instantly – a popular ballad by Seventeen.

"Very good!" he exclaimed, his voice filled with genuine excitement. "That's 'Home.'"

As the song filled the room, a strange feeling washed over Melody. It wasn't a memory, not exactly, but a sense of familiarity, a warmth that spread through her chest. She couldn't remember the lyrics, but the melody resonated with something deep within her.

Looking at S.Coups, she saw a flicker of sadness in his eyes, a contrast to his usual cheerfulness. This realization, though fleeting, triggered a curiosity within her.

"Why are you always here?" she asked, her voice tentative.

S.Coups hesitated, debating his response. Should he tell her about Wonwoo's confession? The doctor had advised against any emotional upheaval for Melody's fragile mental state. Yet, the truth hung heavy between them, an unspoken weight.

"We all care about you, Melody," he finally said, choosing his words carefully. "We want you to get better, to find your way back to yourself."

His words seemed to resonate with Melody. She nodded slowly, a thoughtful frown etching itself onto her face. The journey to recovery was long and arduous, filled with frustrating dead ends and fleeting glimpses of the past. But with S.Coups' patient support and the gentle melodies that began to resurface, a new rhythm was starting to play in Melody's life.

Meanwhile, Wonwoo, ostracized and filled with remorse, remained on the fringes. He watched from afar, his heart heavy with guilt and a burgeoning sense of loss. S.Coups' dedication to Melody, a dedication that went beyond friendship, mirrored the emotions Wonwoo himself harbored, emotions he had betrayed through his actions.

As the melody of their lives played on, a new harmony emerged, a bittersweet composition filled with regret, love, and the uncertain promise of a future yet unwritten.

The tension in the hospital corridor was thick enough to choke on. Wonwoo, a shadow of his former self, hovered near the entrance to Melody's room, his eyes glued to the door. Beth, her arms wrapped tightly around Mingyu, stood guard, her expression a chilling mix of protectiveness and anger.

"He doesn't belong in there," Beth hissed, her voice barely a whisper.

Mingyu, his jaw clenched tight, nodded in agreement. Seeing Wonwoo near Melody felt like a betrayal, a fresh wound on top of an already festering scar.

The news of S.Coups' visits had reached their ears, creating a tangled mess of emotions. Relief that Melody wasn't completely alone battled with a gnawing jealousy towards their leader's growing bond with her.

The door creaked open, revealing S.Coups exiting the room. A tired smile graced his face as he caught sight of them.

"Any progress?" Mingyu asked, his voice devoid of warmth.

S.Coups shook his head, a hint of sadness in his eyes. "Not today. But she hummed a Seventeen song, 'Home' if I recall correctly. It's a small step, but..."

His voice trailed off, the unspoken hope hanging heavy in the air.

Before he could finish, a commotion erupted from inside the room. Wonwoo, driven by a desperate need to see Melody, had pushed past the nurse and was now standing by her bedside.

"Melody," he stammered, his voice thick with emotion. "I... I need to talk to you."

Melody, startled by his sudden appearance, frowned. "Who are you?" she asked, her voice laced with confusion.

Wonwoo's heart sank. This amnesia, a cruel twist of fate, was his punishment.

"It's me, Wonwoo," he choked out, extending a hand towards her.

Beth's hand shot out, grabbing Wonwoo's wrist like a vise. "She doesn't know you. Please, just leave."

Wonwoo flinched at the icy touch, his eyes pleading with Beth to understand. "But I need to tell her..."

Mingyu stepped forward, his voice a low growl. "There's nothing left to tell. Not now. Not when she's so fragile."

A tear escaped Wonwoo's eye, tracing a hot path down his cheek. He understood their anger, their fear. He deserved it all. Yet, the silence, the inability to apologize, gnawed at him.

"I'll come back later," he mumbled, defeated. "When it's okay."

With a final tearful glance at Melody's confused face, Wonwoo turned and walked away, his shoulders slumped in defeat. Mingyu and Beth watched him go, the tension easing only slightly.

"We can't let him back in there," Beth said, her voice firm. "Not until she remembers. Not until she can decide for herself."

Mingyu nodded, a bitter taste in his mouth. The betrayal had shattered their trust in Wonwoo, leaving behind a gaping hole. Could they ever forgive him? Could Melody, if her memories returned?

As they waited outside Melody's room, a heavy silence descended. The music of their friendship, once a joyous melody, now played a discordant tune. They were adrift in a sea of uncertainty, unsure of the next note, the next chord, in this broken composition of their lives.

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