Chapter 3: A Melody Out of Tune

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Author's POV

A persistent buzzing filled Melody's ears, a wasp trapped in her skull. Groaning, she squeezed her eyes shut, the harsh fluorescent lights above sending a jolt of pain through her head. Disoriented, she tried to remember where she was, but her mind felt like a blank canvas. Panic clawed at her throat, a rising tide threatening to engulf her.


A familiar voice, laced with relief and something deeper she couldn't quite define, cut through the fog. She opened her eyes to see a man with dark hair and worried eyes leaning over her. It should have felt like recognition, a beacon in the darkness, but his face remained frustratingly unfamiliar.

"Who..." she croaked, her voice hoarse, "Who are you?"

The man's face crumpled, and a sob escaped his lips. He looked like he was about to speak, but the door burst open before he could. A flurry of concerned faces filled the room – young men with worried expressions, some with tears glistening in their eyes.

"Melody, you're awake!" A boy with a bright smile exclaimed, rushing to her bedside. But his enthusiasm fell flat when Melody's gaze flickered over him with vacant confusion.

The man with the dark hair, the one she'd addressed earlier, cleared his throat, his voice thick with emotion. "Melody, this is Dino, my bandmate. Do you... Do you remember him?"

"Bandmate?" she repeated, the word foreign on her tongue. "What band?"

His face paled, his hope extinguished. A heavy silence descended upon the room, broken only by the relentless beep of the monitor.

A cold dread settled in Melody's stomach. The pieces of her identity felt scattered, lost in a hazy fog. She remembered fragments - a woman with blonde hair, a fight, the screech of brakes. But the details remained frustratingly elusive.

The doctor, a kindly man with a gentle smile, arrived and began his rounds. He explained that Melody had suffered a head injury in the accident, resulting in amnesia. The extent of her memory loss was unclear, he said, and recovery could be a long and arduous process.

As the doctor spoke, Wonwoo, as she later learned his name was, watched her intently, his face a mask of conflicting emotions. He spoke to her softly, showing her pictures, their apartment key on a keychain, anything to spark a flicker of recognition. But her mind remained a blank canvas.

The coming days were an agonizing blur. Therapists visited, bombarding her with questions, trying to jog her memory. Images flashed on a screen – their apartment, trips they'd taken, photos with friends. But none of it resonated, triggering nothing but a growing sense of frustration.

One afternoon, Wonwoo sat beside her, a guitar in his lap. He strummed a soft melody, a melancholic tune that tugged at something deep within her. Tears welled up in his eyes, his voice cracking as he started to sing.

The lyrics were raw and emotional, speaking of regret, lost chances, and a love teetering on the edge. As he sang, a single memory surfaced, fleeting but powerful. A rooftop, a city skyline sparkling under a starlit sky, Wonwoo whispering something about forever in her ear.

The memory faded as quickly as it arrived, leaving behind a bittersweet ache. Was this real? Did she truly love this man with the haunted eyes? The answer remained frustratingly out of reach.

As the days turned into weeks, Melody started piecing together fragments of her life. The identity of the people around her, the routine of daily visits, the feel of the worn hospital gown. But the bigger questions, the ones about who she truly was and who this Wonwoo was to her, remained shrouded in a thick fog.

It was a long and arduous journey, filled with frustration and despair. But in the melody of Wonwoo's remorse, Melody found a fragile hope, a thread to guide her through the labyrinth of her lost memories. And as she ventured deeper into the unknown, she silently prayed that somewhere, beneath the layers of amnesia, the melody of their love still played, waiting to be rediscovered.

Wonwoo choked back a sob as the final note of his song faded into the sterile silence of the room. Melody's eyes, still filled with a haunting emptiness, had followed him throughout the performance. He yearned for a flicker of recognition, a hint of the love he saw reflected back at him in his dreams.

But there was nothing. Just a void he felt responsible for creating.

Shame gnawed at him, a constant companion. He longed to confess, to bare his soul and beg for forgiveness. But the doctor's words echoed in his head – Melody's fragile mental state couldn't handle strong emotional upheaval. So, he buried his guilt, a festering wound beneath a mask of forced cheer.

"That was beautiful," Melody said finally, her voice soft. "Did you write that?"

The question, though simple, felt like a lifeline in the storm of his despair. He nodded, unable to trust his voice.

"You're very talented," she continued, a faint smile gracing her lips. It was a small victory, a spark of normalcy in the midst of chaos.

The days that followed were a slow, agonizing dance. Therapists probed, friends visited, and Wonwoo showered her with affection, hoping to awaken a sleeping memory. Slowly, the blank canvas of her mind began to show faint brushstrokes of color.

One day, a news report flickered on the television in the corner of the room. It was a heartwarming segment about a young couple celebrating their anniversary by renewing their vows. Melody watched, eyes wide with a strange curiosity.

"What's that?" she asked, pointing at the screen.

"Oh, it's just a couple celebrating their anniversary," Wonwoo replied, his heart leaping at the opportunity. Maybe this was it, a chance to connect.

He explained the concept of marriage, of promises made and love reaffirmed. He spoke of anniversaries he'd always dreamed of celebrating with her, his voice tight with unspoken emotions.

Melody listened intently, a thoughtful frown etching itself onto her face. "So, it's a special day for people who love each other?"

"The most special," Wonwoo confirmed, his gaze meeting hers.

She held his gaze for a long moment, a spark of recognition flickering in her eyes, so faint it could have been a trick of the light. "Do we... Did we..." she started, her voice hesitant.

Wonwoo's heart pounded in his chest. Was this it? Was she about to remember?

"Did we have an anniversary?" she finished, the question tinged with a hint of sadness.

The spark extinguished as quickly as it appeared. Relief washed over Wonwoo, a bitter tide. It wasn't the answer he craved, but it was a step forward.

He plastered a weak smile on his face. "No, not yet, Melody. But maybe someday, when you remember everything..."

His voice trailed off, the unspoken words hanging heavy in the air.

Melody tilted her head, her brow furrowing in confusion. "Remember everything? What's there to remember?"

The weight of his guilt threatened to crush him. He longed to tell her, to explain the accident, the reason for the accident. But he couldn't risk jeopardizing her fragile progress. So, he swallowed the truth, a bitter pill caught in his throat.

"Just happy memories," he lied, his voice barely a whisper.

A single tear escaped the corner of his eye, a silent promise to himself that he would spend the rest of his life making sure those happy memories were all she ever truly remembered.

Don't You Remember? / Wonwoo FFWhere stories live. Discover now