Chapter 4: Echoes of the Past

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Author's POV

The sterile scent of disinfectant hung heavy in the air as Mingyu pushed open the door to Melody's hospital room. Beside him stood Beth, her bright smile dimmed with worry. They were here – Mingyu, Wonwoo's bandmate in Seventeen, and Beth, Melody's closest friend. The doctor had suggested familiar faces might spark a flicker of recognition in Melody's foggy mind.

Melody lay propped up in bed, sunlight streaming through the window highlighting the bandages wrapped around her head. Her eyes, once vibrant pools of blue, now held a haunting emptiness. As the door creaked open, a flicker of curiosity crossed her features.

"Melody!" Beth exclaimed, rushing forward and engulfing her friend in a warm hug. The scent of vanilla and lavender, a familiar comfort from countless sleepovers, filled Melody's senses. A faint warmth bloomed in her chest, but it remained unaccompanied by a name or a memory.

Beth pulled away, a strained smile on her face. "Do you remember me? It's Beth, your best friend."

Melody frowned, her brow furrowing in concentration. "Beth?" she repeated, the name a foreign sound on her tongue. "I'm sorry, but... I don't remember."

Beth's smile faltered, a flicker of sadness clouding her eyes. Mingyu, sensing the awkwardness, stepped forward. "Hey, Melody," he said, his voice warm and friendly. "I'm Mingyu, from Seventeen. Wonwoo's bandmate."

He offered a shy smile, but Melody's expression remained blank. The doctor had warned them about the amnesia, but seeing it firsthand was a punch to the gut.

Determined to help, Beth pulled out a photo album from her bag. "Look," she said, flipping through the pages. "Remember this? Our trip to Jeju Island? We built that sandcastle together!"

The picture showed two young women, faces beaming with sunshine, standing next to a precariously balanced sandcastle. Melody leaned closer, her eyes scanning the image. A faint recognition tugged at the edges of her mind, a feeling of warmth and laughter associated with the scene.

"We had so much fun," Beth continued, her voice filled with hope. "Remember that time we snuck out to see Seventeen perform?"

Another picture, this time of them backstage with the entire group, brought forth a similar hazy feeling. Melody reached out, her fingertips tracing the image of a smiling Wonwoo, who seemed vaguely familiar yet utterly unknown.

"Wonwoo," Mingyu supplied, sensing her curiosity. "He talks about you all the time. He's been worried sick."

Melody's fingers lingered on Wonwoo's image. A spark of something, a feeling that was both foreign and oddly familiar, flickered within her. "Wonwoo..." she whispered, the name rolling off her tongue tentatively.

Mingyu's eyes lit up. "See? It's coming back to you!"

But the flicker died as quickly as it appeared. Melody shook her head, a look of frustration clouding her features. "No, I don't remember. Not really."

Dejected, Beth closed the photo album. The visit, though intended to spark memories, had only deepened the sense of loss in the room. As they prepared to leave, Mingyu leaned closer to Melody.

"Don't worry, Melody," he said gently. "We'll all be here for you. And Wonwoo... he loves you more than anything. We all can't wait for the day you remember."

His words hung in the air, a bittersweet promise. Melody watched them leave, a storm of emotions swirling within her. The fragments of memories teased her, offering glimpses of a past she couldn't grasp. Who was this Wonwoo everyone spoke of? Who was she, before the accident stole her memories?

As the afternoon sun dipped below the horizon, casting long shadows across the room, a solitary tear rolled down Melody's cheek. The road to recovery stretched before her, a daunting path shrouded in uncertainty. But somewhere, deep within the labyrinth of her amnesia, a melody lingered, faint yet persistent. It was the melody of her forgotten past, and she was determined to rediscover its tune, one note at a time.

As they stepped out of the hospital, the bright afternoon sun felt harsh after the sterile confines of Melody's room. Beth buried her face in Mingyu's shoulder, a choked sob escaping her lips.

"It's so heartbreaking," she whispered, her voice thick with emotion. "Seeing her like that... lost and confused."

Mingyu wrapped an arm around her, pulling her close. He understood Beth's pain. Melody had been more than just a patient; she was their friend, a cherished member of their extended Seventeen family. Seeing her so broken, her vibrant personality dimmed, was a heavy weight on their hearts.

"I know, Beth," he murmured, his voice a soothing balm. "It's tough. But we have to stay strong for her, for Wonwoo. She needs all the support she can get."

Beth sniffled, wiping her tears against Mingyu's shirt. "I just feel so helpless. Wonwoo's a mess, and Melody... she doesn't even remember him."

A pang of guilt stabbed at Mingyu. He knew Wonwoo was putting on a brave face for Melody, hiding his despair behind forced smiles. The accident had shattered him, and Beth's words confirmed his suspicions.

"Don't worry, Beth," he said, squeezing her hand. "This doesn't mean there's no hope. Recovery takes time, and we'll be here every step of the way. We'll do everything we can to help Melody remember."

He knew his words were just a small comfort, but seeing Beth's tear-streaked face spurred him to offer every ounce of strength he had.

As they walked out of the hospital grounds, Mingyu glanced back at the imposing building. A surge of determination filled him. He wouldn't let this break them. They would fight for Melody, for Wonwoo, and for the future they all envisioned together.

"Hey," he nudged Beth gently, forcing a smile. "How about we get some ice cream? My treat. It might not fix everything, but it might make us feel a little better."

Beth managed a weak smile, a hint of life returning to her eyes. "That sounds good, Mingyu. Thanks for being you."

As they walked hand-in-hand towards the ice cream parlor, a familiar Seventeen song drifted from Mingyu's phone. It was a ballad, one they'd performed countless times, a song that spoke of love, hope, and second chances. He squeezed Beth's hand, the melody filling the air around them.

In the face of Melody's amnesia, the song took on a new meaning. It became a silent promise, a vow they whispered to the wind – a promise to fight for their friend, to help her rediscover her past, and to hold onto the hope that someday, the melody of their memories would play once more.

Don't You Remember? / Wonwoo FFTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon