Chapter 23

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“Where were you?” Duke questioned the moment Audrey returned home in the morning, he was fuming but didn’t want to show it.
“After leaving my parents’ house I went to attend my class reunion party where I got drunk and decided to spend the night at the hotel instead of driving back here at midnight while drunk” she told him, she was not going to lie and say she had been at her mother’s house, but she figured mentioning the amazing sex with Clement wasn’t necessary either.
“Why didn’t you call me?” he frowned “I would have come to pick you up.”
“That wasn’t necessary,” she brushed him off and made her way to her room.
The fact that she didn’t tell him about the reunion was really upsetting but he knew that he couldn’t stop her socializing.
“I would have appreciated knowing where you were, what if something happened?” he followed her into her bedroom.
“I don’t need you tracking my every move,” she said as she stripped and went into the bathroom. She had bathed at the hotel, but she felt like she needed another shower.
When Audrey came out of the shower, she found Duke still sited there on her bed waiting.
“What do you want?” she asked and went into the walk-in closet to dress up.
“I am thinking of breaking things off with Connie,” he told her. Ever since she rejected his advances he had been wondering whether it wouldn’t be best to just end things with Connie and see where things with Audrey would go. He had talked to Jerome about it and he agreed that having Connie was just complicated things, if he wanted he could have a normal marriage with Audrey.
“Why?” Audrey asked with little interest, she had stopped caring about what he was doing with his life, she refused to continue being stressed and depressed because of a selfish man who only cared about himself.
“Well, we’re married, and I don’t think it’s fair to you for me to continue seeing her.”
“Our marriage is just on paper, you can continue seeing her, I don’t care…” she said and he felt like she had slapped him. She didn’t care? She was supposed to be happy about this, she was finally getting him to herself like she had wanted from the beginning.
“five years is a long time to continue living like this, I think we will both benefit by these changes,” he smiled at her but she didn’t smile back.
“Do whatever makes you happy,” she said as she came out of the closet.
Duke looked her up and down, she was simply dressed in a floral strapless sundress and flip flops on her feet.
“Have you already had breakfast?” he asked her.
“Then have breakfast with me” he insisted.
Audrey thought they were having breakfast at home, but he insisted on going to a restaurant, he had wanted it to just be the two of them but Audrey had insisted on taking Lindsey with them.
The breakfast was nice and she really didn’t mind his company, maybe because Lindsey was also there. Duke who was normally not a fan of photos unless they were doing it to achieve something actually suggested they take photos that morning and he shared them on his WhatsApp status and Instagram story. Connie really didn’t appreciate that, she hated it when he was out there pretending to be the perfect husband with a perfect family when behind closed doors, she was sucking his cock and he was eating out her coochie like a starved man.
She had seen how much weight Audrey had lost and she knew that Duke loved that so she had to think fast before she ended up losing him. Sure, their agreement stated that she would be on contraceptives but what was he going to do? Force her to abort? Mistakes happen, contraceptives are not 100% guarantee that you won’t conceive. She replaced them with vitamins which looked very similar, it was time to make sacrifices even though she wasn’t ready to have a child.
“Hey, tried to call you last night but couldn’t get through” Clement texted, they had just returned home after breakfast and Audrey had decided to take a walk outside, check out how the flower and vegetable garden were doing.
“Sorry, I put the phone on flight mode so that I could get proper sleep.”
She hadn’t really expected him to reach out, she thought he would hit it and quit it, something which she didn’t mind really but she appreciated him doing so.
“I know I said I wouldn’t ask questions but curiosity is killing me, especially after I saw Duke’s Instagram story. You guys seemed like a happy family so why did you sleep with me?”
“Looks can be deceiving Clement, don’t believe everything you see on social media” she repied.
“he’s sleeping with that Connie girl, isn’t he?” he asked.
Connie was known on social media so Audrey wasn’t really surprised that Clement knew of her.
“What makes you come to that conclusion?” Audrey asked.
“she shared pictures and videos from her birthday party which was held at your house, any man with eyes could see that there was something there, she was all over him and not in a platonic friends way…. Plus, he wasn’t pushing her away either.”
Audrey knew that some people had started talking, right there at the party she had been hearing whispers, but she hadn’t really wanted to torture herself by going to Connie’s profile and checking each and every comment to see what the majority thought. But she knew Clement was right, anyone with eyes could see that there was something there.
“I’d rather not talk about my marriage,” she told him.
“of course, I completely understand. On an unrelated note, would you like to take a day trip with me?” he asked.
Clement had thought it would be a one-night stand and he was ready for it but damn it he hadn’t stopped thinking about the amazing night.
“What kind of trip?” Audrey asked.
“Once every after three months I go hiking, just walk through the forests, find hidden gems of water falls or rivers, watch the sunset from on top of a hill or something. It’s really refreshing, you might like it.”
Normally he liked going alone, his work could get really stressful at times so that quarterly day trip to go hiking helped him decompress and refresh his mind, just release all the stress out there surrounded by beautiful nature.
Clement shared his calendar with her so that she could see if she was free on that particular Saturday. It turned out to be on her birthday and she wasn’t really planning anything, going out there to climb mountains and go to waterfalls sounded like a great adventure so she agreed to go with him. Especially that it would be a day trip where they would start off very early in the morning on Saturday and come back in the evening. She wouldn’t be sleeping out so Duke wouldn’t be on her case questioning where she had been.

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