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A door buzzes as Dom's cell door is opened before he follows the other prisoners down the hall.

"Y si todos nos ponemos de acuerdo que con el chorizo te puedes comprar una casa, pero lo que tu te estas fumando sin dinero es toda una ilusion," Tego Leo says which basically translates to Tego saying that money is an illusion.

"Illusion? You got illusion lying around. I'll take it!" Rico Santos replies in Spanish.

"Ilusion," Tego argues before saying this in Spanish. "I'm telling you, it's real!" Dom smiles as he looks over at them from the car that he is working on.

"Yo, what do you think?" Santos asks as he looks at Dom. "Es una ilusión o es real?"

"It doesn't matter. It's all about how you choose to see it," Dom answers as he shakes his head.

"Shit. I told you I was right," Both say at the same time while looking at each other, causing Dom to smile.

"I'm Tego Leo," Tego says as he looks over at Dom.

"Rico Santos," Santos introduces himself while looking at Dom as well.

"Dom. What are you guys in for?" Dom asks after introducing himself.

"Driving while brown," Tego answers him with a frown.

"That and we also blew up a bank," Santos argues which causes Tego to shrug.

"That's not the point! They stopped us because we were brown not because we blew up a bank," Tego argues back with a shake of his head.

"Okay. You're right," Santos says as they work the car, causing Dom to shake his head.

"Woo, para, para, para. You see that? Hairline crack in the fuel line. Air gets in there, you got a lean condition," Tego says as he points to the fuel line of the car that Dom is working on.

"Lean condition?" Dom asks as he looks up at Tego confused.

"Old trick pit crews use to throw a race. But that crack opens up? And a spark gets near it? Fire bomb!" Tego explains as he motions to the car before using his hands to make an explosion.

Dom starts to remember Jakob being the one under the hood of their dad's car before he died. And his dad had mentioned a misfire.

Bonnie hid the money away in the garage safe so she could pull what she needed when she needs it. Bonnie calls Zuri up before offering her job at either the store or the garage. Zuri accepts working at the store along side Anastasia and Mia.

Letty was able to round up some of Dom's friends to help in the garage. Jakob was the first to show up to help Bonnie with the garage. Vince and Jesse soon followed, causing them to have a five person crew.

As Bonnie, Jakob, and Zuri win more races, the more business they receive. The time until Dom would be released starts to fly by.

Over a year later, Bonnie closes the garage for the day since everyone had left for the night because there is a race tonight that Jakob is participating in. Bonnie meets Anastasia outside since she was the one to close down the store.

"Finally, an early night," Anastasia says as she leans onto Bonnie's shoulder as they walk over to the car.

"I have a feeling that something big is going to happen tonight," Bonnie tells her which causes Anastasia's smile to drop because Bonnie's feelings were hardly ever wrong.

"Well, let's go get cleaned up. So, at least we will look damn fine if anything does happen," Anastasia jokes which causes Bonnie to laugh and shake her head.

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