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Bonnie smiles at the excited smile on Anastasia's face as they pull up at the race.

"Is it always like this?" Anastasia asks as she looks around at all of the cars.

"Every Friday and Saturday night," Letty answers with a nod as she looks around for Jakob, who usually likes to make an entrance.

They walk around so that Anastasia can get a feel of the layout. Anastasia is amazed as quite a few people call Bonnie by name and shake her hand.

"Yo, Bon!" Hector calls from the side line where he is talking to a woman that is about the same age as Bonnie. "Check it out. This is Jakob's competition for the night."

"Hopefully, she can put his ego in check like I do," Bonnie jokes which causes Hector nod as the woman laughs. "Bonnie Ruzek."

"Zuri Tran," Zuri introduces herself as she tries to place Bonnie's name. "Bonnie as in Dominic's girl?"

"Yeah," Bonnie responds with a nod since she recognized Zuri's name immediately. "And you would be Johnny's sister?" Zuri nods as a frown graces her face, showing her dislike for her brother which causes Bonnie to slightly smile as an idea forms in her head.

"Any tips on beating him?" Zuri asks as she motions to Jakob, who had just arrived.

"He likes to use his NOS too soon," Bonnie responds with a shrug which causes Zuri to nod in understanding.

Letty goes to give Jakob a good luck kiss before going to the starting line with Hector. Bonnie and Anastasia make their way to the finish line.

"So, why did you give her that info?" Anastasia asks as she watches the starting line.

"I dislike her brother and from her expression, she does to," Bonnie explains as she watches the cars take off with Jakob taking the lead. "The only way to survive LA in the racing scene is to make sure that you have the right people on your team." Anastasia nods in understanding before focusing back on the race.

Jakob hits his NOS as Zuri starts catching up to him. Bonnie smirks as she sees Zuri hit her NOS, sending her ahead of Jakob and across the finish line first.

"I almost had you!" Jakob exclaims as he gets out of his car with an angry expression on his face.

"You never had her," Bonnie calls out, causing the crowd to grow quiet to see what would happen next because anyone that challenges Bonnie, never wins. "Ask any racer. Any real racer." Bonnie motions to herself and some of the other racers in the crowd. "It doesn't matter if you win by an inch or a mile. Winning is winning." Jakob glares at Bonnie before getting into his car and leaving. "Sorry, Letty." Letty shrugs before disappearing into the crowd to go get the car ready.

"Thanks," Zuri says as she walks over to Bonnie. "If you ever need anything, give me a call." Zuri hands Bonnie a slip of paper with her number.

Everyone begins to scramble as the word "cops" floats amongst the crowd. Bonnie grabs Anastasia's arm as Letty pulls up beside them. Letty takes off to the Toretto household, since that's where she and Bonnie had been staying.

The next morning, Bonnie finds herself back at the garage looking around at all of the pictures in the office. Bonnie smiles as she sees a picture of her, Dom, and their fathers. Bonnie grabs her phone before dialing a number.

"Hey, dad," Bonnie says as she hears her father's voice. "I need some help."

Bonnie explains the situation to her father. David knows how much the garage and store means to everyone and decides to give Bonnie the number and location of an old friend's daughter.

Bonnie sighs as she walks into a fancy hotel in downtown Los Angeles, causing her to feel extremely underdressed in her boots and jeans. Bonnie takes the elevator to the penthouse before knocking on the door.

The door opens to reveal two large body guards. Bonnie slightly gulps due to their large size, wishing she had brought someone with her.

"Let her in," A voice calls out from somewhere behind the two body guards. Bonnie enters the room to see a blonde woman, sitting on a couch with a glass of champagne in her hand. "Bonnie Ruzek, to what do I owe the pleasure?"

"Umm, I'm trying to save my boyfriend's family's garage and store," Bonnie explains as she sits on the couch across from the woman.

"The Toretto garage and store? Am I correct?" The woman asks as she throws a picture of each on the table between them. Bonnie nods as she wonders how the woman already knows so much. "Why should I invest into either of these when they are about to go under?"

"Everything put into them will be paid back in full," Bonnie immediately responds in hopes to get the woman to help her. "It is my boyfriend's dream to inherit the garage and he can't do that if it goes under before he gets out of prison."

They sit in silence for a few minutes as the woman decides what she is going to do. Bonnie starts to shift nervously in her seat as the woman stares at her.

"I'll give you a million," The woman finally reveals, causing Bonnie's eyes to widen in shock. She may be working the rest of her life to pay it off, but it is worth it. "I expect it all paid back in full, no matter how long it takes. I'll be nice enough not to add interest."

"Thank you so much," Bonnie says as she nods her head in understanding. The woman motions to one of the body guards, who goes into a different room before coming out with a black duffle bag.

"Pleasure doing business with you, Bonnie," The woman says as she holds her hand out to Bonnie while the body guard drops the bag at Bonnie's feet.

"You too," Bonnie responds as she shakes the woman's hand while realizing that she never got her name.

"Cipher," The woman officially introduces herself before handing Bonnie a piece of paper with a banking account on it. "Deposit everything that you pay back into this account." Bonnie nods in understanding as she picks up the duffle bag before putting the piece of paper into it.

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