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"Bon Bon, let's go!" Letty calls up the stairs of the Ruzek home. "We're going to be late."

"Hold on, I'm coming," Bonnie says as she rushes down the stairs with an excited smile on her face.

"And where do you think you're going?" David Ruzek asks as he walks out of the kitchen with his arms crossed across his chest.

"Study date!" Bonnie says quickly as she grabs her school bag which was laying on the couch.

"Okay. I'll be heading for the airport in an hour," David says as he eyes his daughter to see if there was any sign of her lying. "I'll be back next week. No one over unless..."

"Unless it's Letty," Bonnie says with a nod as she playfully rolls her eyes at her father before she hugs him. "See ya, dad."

Bonnie quickly follows Letty out of the house before they walk down the street where Jakob Toretto is patiently waiting for them.

"Come on. Let's go," Jakob says through the rolled down window, causing Bonnie and Letty to share an excited smile before running over to the car. Bonnie lets out an excited yell as Jakob quickly speeds into the night.

Bonnie looks around in amazement just like she does every time that she and Letty go to a race.

"Dom is racing tonight," Jakob says as he wraps an arm around Letty while they look at all of the cars around them. Bonnie had heard mention of Dom several times over the past year since he is Jakob's older brother but she had never actually met him. "Come on. The race is about to start."

Bonnie quickly follows the crowd as they head for the finish line. Bonnie and Letty push their way to the front of the crowd with Jakob right behind them.

"I can't wait to have a car to be able to participate," Bonnie says as Letty nods in agreement before they hear the revving of engines, knowing that the race is about to begin.

"Here comes Dom!" Jakob says as they start to see headlights before Jakob starts to frown. "He's going too fast."

Letty and Jakob share a worried look before Jakob starts motioning for the crowd to get back. Bonnie doesn't listen because she is in a trance as she watches the cars get closer.

"Bonnie!" Letty yells as Dom crashes right beside Bonnie while Jakob pulls her out of the way.

A piece of debris flies up, cutting Bonnie's arm which causes her to let out a yelp. Letty pulls Bonnie into a hug while everyone either runs to their vehicles to leave or runs over to check on Dom. Jakob looks at Letty and Bonnie worriedly before looking at his brother's car.

"Go, I got her." Jakob runs over to Dom's car to find him climbing out of the window because somehow the car landed upright and is still drivable. Dom is surrounded by people asking if he is okay but he only has one person that he is trying to find.

"Where is she?" Dom asks as Jakob reaches him, causing Jakob to look at him confused.

"Who?" Jakob asks as he looks back over at Letty and Bonnie, knowing that he needs to get them out of there before the cops show up.

"Bonnie," Dom answers as he looks around, causing Jakob to look at his brother in shock.

Dom had seen Bonnie amongst the crowd when she arrived with Jakob and Letty, which is why he had been showing off in the first place.

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