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"Alright, you're all done," Jack says as he snips the string from stitching Bonnie's arm. "I won't tell your father, as long as you promise to be more careful next time."

"Yes sir. I promise," Bonnie says with a nod as she smiles before looking at her arm.

"Mia, it's time you get back to bed," Jack says as he pokes Mia's side, causing her to giggle. "You boys make sure these girls get home safely."

"Yes sir," Dom says with a nod before holding out a hand to help Bonnie up. Bonnie smiles as she takes his hand before following him, Jakob, and Letty out of the Toretto house. Bonnie walks beside Dom while they follow Letty and Jakob since they had opted to walk instead of driving. "Sorry about your arm."

"It's not your fault," Bonnie says as she looks over at Dom. "I should have been paying attention to the crowd moving back." They fall into a comfortable silence for a few minutes. "There's just something about racing that makes me block everything else out."

"I get that," Dom says with a nod, causing Bonnie to smile. "It's like for those 10 seconds or less, you're free."

"And nothing else matters," Bonnie agrees which has Dom smiling at her.

"Would you umm..." Dom rubs the back of his neck nervously as he trails off. "Would you like to go on a date with me?"

"Yeah, I'd like that," Bonnie says as they come to a stop in front of her house. "Just know that I'm one of those girls, who aren't impressed by a fancy dinner."

"I'll keep that in mind," Dom says with a chuckle which causes Bonnie to smile. "I guess I'll see you at school."

"You betcha," Bonnie says with a wink before making her way up to her porch.

Bonnie turns to find Dom still standing there, making sure that she gets inside safely. Bonnie waves at Dom before going inside, leaning against the door after she closed it with a huge smile on her face.

One week later, Dom had finally planned what he hoped would be the perfect first date for him and Bonnie. So, he was currently driving to pick Bonnie up. Bonnie had just finished getting ready when she walked downstairs to find her father in the living room.

"And where do you think you're going?" David asks his daughter as he notices how nicely she is dressed.

"I have a date," Bonnie answers him, figuring that there is no point in lying to him.

"With who?" David asks with a raised eyebrow before there is a knock on the door, leaving Bonnie no chance to answer him. David walks over to the door much to Bonnie's dismay before opening it to reveal Dom on the other side. "Dominic?"

"Hi, Mr. Ruzek," Dom says with a smile before looking over at Bonnie with wide eyes. "Bonnie."

"And here I thought I was going to have to scare some poor boy off," David says as he turns to his daughter with a smile which causes Bonnie to look at him in shock. "You kids have fun. Just make it back to one of the houses in one piece."

"Umm okay," Bonnie says as she looks at her father still in shock. "Bye, dad." Bonnie and Dom walk out to Dom's car which had been fixed. "That was weird."

"I've met your dad a few times before since he's my dad's manager," Dom says with a shrug once they are in the car.

"So, what did you plan for us?" Bonnie asks with a raised eyebrow.

"It's a surprise," Dom answers her with a smirk, causing Bonnie to playfully roll her eyes. About 30 minutes later, Dom is pulling up beside a garage which is beside a race track. "I figured a picnic and a race was more your style."

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