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Bonnie and Anastasia kept returning to the race over the next month before Bonnie was able to convince a guy to let her use his car to race, much to Anastasia's dismay.

And of course things did not go as planned because during the race, police showed up which caused Bonnie to panic before she crashed the car. Luckily, Bonnie wasn't hurt but unluckily she was caught by the police.

So, Bonnie's mother decided that she wasn't going to put up with that type of behavior and sent Bonnie to live with her father in the big city of Los Angeles. At 14 years old, Bonnie Ruzek was starting a new school with no friends because Anastasia was still in Texas.

Bonnie rolls her eyes as her father stops in front of the school before she gets out of the car, slamming the door closed behind her.

Bonnie already knew that the day would be terrible since it was her first day and her options of getting home was take the bus or walk since her father is going out of town on a business trip for a week.

Bonnie looks down at her schedule as she walks down the hallway before she feels someone bump into her shoulder, causing Bonnie to quickly glare at the person. Only, Bonnie finds another girl glaring back at her.

"Watch where you're going, bitch," Leticia Ortiz says as she sizes Bonnie up with her glare never leaving. Leticia, better known as Letty, sees that most of the students in the hallway are now watching her and the new girl. "Apologize."

"Excuse me?" Bonnie asks as she looks at Letty with an arched eyebrow.

"You heard me," Letty answers her as she crosses her arms across her chest. "Apologize, bitch."

"Bless your heart," Bonnie says with a sarcastic smile. "An apology will be the last thing you get out of me. And if you ever call me a bitch again, you won't like what happens after."

"Bitch," Letty says in challenge as Bonnie walks past her before Bonnie quickly turns around with her fist connecting to Letty's jaw.

Letty looks at her in shock before attempting to punch her back. The crowd starts to cheer for each girl as an all-out fight breaks out between the two. Dominic Toretto leans against his locker, watching the commotion as his best friend, Vince, rushes over to him with a wild smile.

"What's happening?" Dominic, better known as Dom, asks as he nods his head towards the commotion.

"Letty, the girl that lives down the street from you, follows us around, and is Jakob's friend," Vince starts explaining, causing Dom to nod as he realizes who Vince is talking about. "She tried making the new girl apologize after they bumped into each other."

"Great, another chick fight," Dom says as he shakes his head before his younger brother, Jakob, walks over confused by the commotion.

"Nah, man," Vince says as he shakes his head with a smirk on his face. "New girl swung like a dude." Dom looks at Vince with a raised eyebrow before looking at the fight to see fist swinging instead of the normal slapping and hair pulling of a chick fight. "Yo, Jake, your friend is getting her ass beat."

"Oh, shit," Jakob says as he drops his bag before rushing over to the fight. "Letty!"

Dom rolls his eyes as he motions for Vince to grab Jakob's bag while he follows after his brother to keep him out of trouble. Jakob is able to pull Letty away from Bonnie, who lays on the floor as she tries to get her anger in check so she won't swing on anyone else before the principal and a few teachers show up.

Bonnie is leaned back in the chair outside the principal's office as the principal yells at Letty, since this apparently wasn't her first fight. A few minutes later, Letty and the principal walk out of the office before the principal tells Letty to wait for her parents since she would probably be expelled.

Bonnie notices Letty look down as she grabs the dog tags around her neck, causing Bonnie to let out a sigh.

"Principal Jones, I started the fight," Bonnie says which causes the principal and Letty to look at her in shock. "I knew it would set a bad rep for me, but I just had so much anger towards my dad. I shouldn't have let it out on another student."

"Miss Ortiz, you can return to class," Principal Jones says which causes Letty to look at him in shock before she quickly grabs her bag, heading to class before he changes his mind.

Bonnie shakes her head as she follows Principal Jones into his office as he talks about the school counselor.

"Letty!" Jakob says in shock as she sits beside him in the lunchroom. "I thought for sure that you would be expelled."

"I was about to be," Letty answers him with a small smile before her gaze drifts to the door of the cafeteria. "New girl took the blame."

Dom looks at her confused before following her gaze to the new girl, who is walking into the cafeteria. From where he sat, he could already see a bruise forming on her face, but it wasn't as bad as Letty's black eye, busted lip, and bruised jaw.

Bonnie grabs a lunch tray before finding an empty table to sit at. Bonnie just stares at her food, not really in the mood to eat since she is homesick and missing Anastasia.

"You didn't have to take the blame," Letty says as she sits across from Bonnie, who shrugs as she looks up at her. "I'm Leticia by the way but you can call me Letty."

"Bonnie," Bonnie introduces herself as she holds her hand out for Letty to shake before Letty shakes her hand, starting a new friendship.

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