Chapter 27

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That frightening sound. I never felt so terrified like I just did a few seconds ago. Like I'm in a daydream, my eyes suddenly glance up. A weird red mist fades away.

Was that Shallos' essence disappearing...for good?

Before I can imagine a near disaster avoided, Merissa screams. I turn back around to see her face. She's stunned.

"What you done?" She reacts dumbstruck.

And without caution, she pushes Terra to the floor and then quickly comes at me. I have no time to defend myself. Why should I? Suddenly Merissa, watching those angry hazel eyes, extends out her hands trying to choke me.

I feel her hands squeezing my throat. I begin to lose some air as she forces me back. I land back-first at the slab table, the same one where I destroyed the Triadic and the ripped tapestry. I drop the blade as I hear it drop to the floor. My eyes wander around, trying to focus back on my sister. I stare at those hateful eyes. I don't know why she wants to kill me.

"Please!" I struggle to yell to stop her. I even hold onto her hands, I want to pull them away. Yet I begin to lose my strength. My eyes widen, as the more she squeezes. The more I see myself losing consciousness. And then after a minute squeezing my neck hard, she begins to lessen her grip. She then bends down close to me. She then appears to be looking worried, as she whispers quietly.

"Continue where I left off, lygerfish. Finished what our father started. Find the answers before the Reckoning begins." She continues. "You hold the superior power. You always had."

As she winks at me—showing that odd wink—out of the blue an arrow flies. Hitting the back of her left shoulder. Merissa feels the sting as she let go of my neck. As she takes the arrow out, I try to breathe again as I start coughing. I roll over to my right side. But as I do, I notice Terra.

Leaning on the wall, Terra rests her left bowgun down to her side still hurt and in pain because of that stab. I try looking at her wondering did she have to fire that arrow. Merissa's not a malefic.

She used to be a mage.

She's my sister.

Soon I react shocked when I do hear Merissa as she looks back at Terra. Seems her worried face is gone, as she appears vexed once again.

"You know I'm getting tired of you." Merissa then glares back at me. "So who you're going save? Your sister?" She then sees Terra, "Or her?"

I gather enough time to speak fluently. "No!" I have that sickening feeling of where's she going with this. "Please Merissa, don't do this!"

Merissa smirks at me giving me another one of those winks. She then grabs her dagger from her side pocket. I look petrified. I keep screaming no many times. Merissa ignores me as she starts walking right at Terra, who's still clamoring over her wound.

"No, Merissa!" I yell once more. But with no response, Merissa aims her dagger pointing at Terra. I face a difficult dilemma. I realize in a bad sense of luck, I can't save them both. And as I struggle to feel who I should save, I ignore what's in my mind. I muster myself, getting up. And as I run trying to block the attack, I make the decision. A decision that could haunt me.

I tackle Merissa down. As we fall, I land hard on the floor. I then spot in the corner of my left eye. Merissa bangs her head face-first on the edge corner of the second slab table. The force violently jerks her head back before she lands on the floor completely motionless.

As I lay down, I'm at shock. I don't want to see the unthinkable.

"You're not." I quietly whisper.

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