Chapter 1

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Kiara is the 15 year old daughter of Emma Swan and Killian. Hope is her twin sister and Henry is her older half brother. Kiara is the outcast of the family. Her sister is perfect and does everything she's told. Hope wanted to follow in her mother's footsteps of being a hero. Kiara was the rebellious child and found her father's pirate life way more interesting. She had always begged her father to take her out on his ship. But, he's only taken her around Storybrooke. She knew her parents loved her and they're just trying to keep her safe. And she loved them. But, she wanted to explore the world and not be cooped up in a small town.

It was the day before Kiara and Hope's 16th birthday and once again, Kiara was trying to get her father to take her out on his ship.

"Please, Dad!" Kiara begged.

"No, Kiara." Killian said.

"But, it's my birthday tomorrow." Kiara continued. "I'd love for you to take me out on your ship."

"If I do that Kiara, you'll want to go outside of Storybrooke." Killian said. "And by that, I mean you'll want to go outside of this realm."

"And what's so wrong with that?" Kiara argued.

"There are a lot of realms out there that are dangerous and you're too young for that." Killian said.

"What happened to you?" Kiara said. "You used to live this exciting pirate life. Now you're old and boring."

"That's enough, Kiara!" Emma scolded. "Stop arguing with your father."

Kiara stormed off to her bedroom. There was a knock on her door.

"Ki?" She heard her sister on the other side.

"Leave me alone." Kiara said. She heard footsteps walk away.

Kiara left and went into town. She walked around until she found herself in front of the wooden castle. She sat there, thinking.

Just then, Kiara heard creaking and looked to see Henry.

"Hi." He greeted as he sat next to her.

"Hey." Kiara replied.

"I heard you had an argument with Killian." Henry said.

Kiara sighed. "I don't get why he's being like this." She said.

"He and Mom are just trying to keep you safe." Henry said.

"Why are you defending them?" Kiara questioned. "You wanted to leave Storybrooke when you were my age."

Henry sighed. "You
remind me a lot of myself." He said. "Hanging out here a lot. Being adventurous and wanting to explore the world."

"So, why didn't you?" Kiara asked. "You were about my age when you wanted to explore the world."

"My family was here." Henry explained. "It's no fun exploring the world alone."

Kiara sighed.

"Come on." Henry said. "Let's grab something at Granny's."

Kiara followed her brother.

They walked into Granny's and sat in a booth. Ruby had taken over the diner after Granny had unfortunately passed away a few years ago. Her daughter, Jada, also helped out. As well as volunteering at the hospital to work with her father.

"Hey guys." Ruby greeted. "Two hot chocolates with cinnamon?"

"Actually, can we get two sodas and an ice cream sundae to share?" Henry asked.

"Coming right up." Ruby said.

A minute later, Ruby came back with their sodas and sundae.

"We're really excited for your party tomorrow, Kiara." She said. "I know Jada is."

Kiara gave Ruby a small smile. Her parents were having her and her sister's party at Granny's. Kiara and Henry started eating the sundae.

"I have something for you." Henry said, placing a package on the table. M

"What's this?" Kiara asked.

"Your birthday present." Henry answered.

"But, my birthday's tomorrow." Kiara said.

"Doesn't mean I can't give you your present early." Henry replied. "Open it."

Kiara unwrapped the gift and gasped at what she saw.

"Is this the storybook?" She asked.

"Yes." Henry said.

"I can't take this." Kiara said. "It's yours."

"I'm giving it to you." Henry said.

"Why?" Kiara asked.

"You need it more than I do right now." Henry replied.

"What are these other two books?" Kiara asked, noticing two other books like the storybook. She flipped through them. One had stories and pictures like the first storybook. The second had nothing in it.

"I wrote this a few years ago." Henry said.

"These are stories of your life, right?" Kiara asked, noticing a few stories she recognized from her family telling her.

Henry nodded.

"Wait, did you do the illustrations too?" Kiara asked.

"No, Grace Hatter did them for me." Henry answered.

Kiara nodded.

"So, what's the empty book?" She asked.

"That's for you to write your own stories, if you'd like." Henry explained. "Or you can do whatever you'd like with it."

"Thank you, Henry." Kiara said, hugging him.

"You're welcome, Kiara." Henry said. "Happy birthday."

"Thank you." Kiara said.

While they were eating, Henry noticed Kiara flipping through his storybook. And noticed she was most interested in the Peter Pan story, when his family came to to Neverland to save him.

"Come on." He said. "I'll take you home."

Kiara nodded and they left the diner.

When Kiara got home, she texted her friends in a group chat to meet her tonight at midnight at their treehouse.

Later that night, Kiara snuck out and made her way to the treehouse her and her friends hang out in. She saw that everyone showed up, except for Andrew Herman. Part of her wasn't surprised because Andrew was kind of a goody goody. He didn't like doing anything that would get him in trouble.

"So, what's this meeting about?" Caroline asked. Caroline and Kiara are best friends.

"I want to leave Storybrooke." Kiara said.

"And go where?" Nathaniel asked.

"Anywhere I want to go." Kiara said.

"I'm sure if we ask some of our parents, they'll take us on a trip or something." Jada said.

"I don't want to just go to another state." Kiara said. "I want to go to other lands."

"Why?" PJ asked.

"I'm so tired of being cooped up in this little town." Kiara explained. "I want to explore the world."

"So, why are we all here?" Jada asked.

"You guys are my friends." Kiara "I want you guys to come with me."

"How would we even get to these realms and lands?" Zoey asked.

"We can use my Dad's ship." Kiara replied.

"I'm not sure this is a good idea." Nathan said.

"Come on, Nathan. We could go anywhere we wanted. Explore the entire magical realm." Kiara continued. "This could be such a great adventure for all of us."

Everyone was quiet.

"Just think about it." Kiara said. "I'm leaving tomorrow whether any of you join me or not. If you want to come, we'll meet here and wait ten minutes before going to the docks."

Everyone nodded and left.

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⏰ Last updated: May 04 ⏰

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