Chapter 5 (1:4)

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AN: I have come to the conclusion that this is what her hair and outfit would be (plus the braid under her right ear ofc)


I was planning a surprise for my master and Cody when he comes back with waxer and boil when my comm went off

"Bree, report to the command center in five" my master's voice echoed through my comm,

"Well pleasure doing business with you boys but duty calls" at that I run off and yes I know I have five minutes but this place is too darn big. Getting to a stop I opened the two door revealing my master and Anakin

"Why are you still here" I thought he had left earlier

"Yes, when was the last time you slept" Obi-wan reprimands

"I'll sleep after we catch General Grevious" he stated "Clone intelligence spotted him in the Balmorra system. That was weeks ago, since then he vanished."

We all study the map "Well unlike you maybe he is getting some much-needed rest" professed,

"I have to agree with him Princess as much as it is humoring to see you rub your eyes constantly" 

We get interrupted by the Admiral "excuse me General, we have an incoming transmission from commander Cody"

The globe we had been looking at turned into a hologram of Cody,

"General Kenobi, General Skywalker, Commander Lemzino"

"Cody. How goes the inspections" Master nodded

"The tracking station in Pastil is fully operational, Captain Rex and I are proceeding to the outpost in the rishi system" Cody informed us

"Good, report back once you've arrived" Obi-wan tells him

"and don't do anything stupid please"

"Copy that, Cody out" confirmed

"Good man the Cody" Obi-wan states "Don't worry Anakin, if general grievous comes anywhere near this quadrant we'll know about it'

He then looks at me "I suppose we should continue your training, Bree"

I nodded before walking out with him and towards the training rooms aboard the negotiator.


We got to the doors as they slid open revealing one nearly identical to the ones in the temple. 

"How about we work on your Soresu" he suggested 

"sure" We got in position and ignited our respective lightsabers I immediately got in defensive. we started circling each other when he took a jab at my side, quickly dodging I tilted my weapon to the side. we continued doing this action for the next few moments when he did the unexpected, he flipped over me and held his lightsaber against my back. I span and blocked his blue blade

"you are getting better my dear" Obi-wan praised, I felt a small smile creep on my lips "but you still have much to learn" at that he pushed down onto me, before I knew it, I was on my back with him nearly on top of me. 

I took a risk trying to sweep out his leg from underneath him, with some struggle I was able to unlock our lightsaber and we started parrying. Hearing the doors open I started to lose focus. Focus, I put all of my attention to the man in front of me and continued. going back and forth for some time when I couldn't do it anymore and started getting sloppy, he found an opening and knocked my weapon out of my hand and onto the floor.

I looked up at my master who had already collected my lightsaber from the ground "you've done well, my padawan"

"thank you master, but I still have much to lean like you said"

A clone I've yet  to learn the name of walked over, "General, General Skywalker is requesting you" We thanked him and he walked away. I saw multiple clones in the room, I wonder what they are doing. 


"Commander Cody, do you copy" the Admiral asked gaining no reply "Captain Rex please respond"

"they should have checked in from the rishi station hours ago, it appears you captain follows orders just as well as you do" Obi-wan stated glancing at his former padawan. 

"hmm, perhaps Cody is boring Rex with standard procedures and protocol" Anakin remarked well it seems that they are both like their generals then.

"We need to work on our own boring procedures and figure out a strategy to find grievous" Master suggested

"Right" Anakin nodded, turning towards the admiral "Admiral, let me know if you hear from Rex" and he started walking away,

"goodbye admiral" I followed him out with Obi-wan on out tail. 

"it has come to my attention that the two of you had a sparring session and didn't invite me" Princess mocked being offended,

"now who told you that" 

"I may have heard something about it from overhearing some of the men talk about it" Anakin explained and started heading towards a room with people and droids working about who knows what. 

I walked around the room when a saw Gregor, walk in and decided to chat with him for a bit. That was until Obi-wan appeared at my side and Gregor gets back to work, "We still haven't heard back from Cody and Rex, but the Admiral (AN: I can't figure out his name probably Yularen) is still looking"

"Thank you master, I hope we hear from them soon" I follow him as he goes back to find Anakin.

"The all-clear signal has been deactivated" Admiral Yularen realizes, I go over to him 

" they have stopped transmitting entirely"

"Grievous" Anakin complains knowing that the droid General will show no mercy,

"Sound the invasion alarm, let's get the fleet underway" Master calls the order


I stood beside Master as we met with the surviving clones but there was only two aside from Rex and Cody,,

"On behalf of the republic, we thank you for your valiant service" Obi-wan thanks "and we honor you comrade's sacrifice" 

"your new unit is luck to have you" Anakin agrees as badges get put on the two young clone I have learnt to be echo and fives "I'd be proud to fight alongside you anytime, anywhere"

"although the war is horrible, we must continue to fight so that those who had fallen didn't die in vain"

They salute us and we walk away, I turn to the others "you know what after all that I need some sleep" and start to make my way to my room on-board.

"Nope, you are going to spar with me" Anakin grabs my shoulder changing my direction, groaning loudly I see Obi-wan smirk on my left.

AN: sorry for taking so long to update was busy with school, update will probably be slow (ps school is dumb)

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