Chapter 6

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AN: it is a filler chapter, but I think you'll like it. It tells you something about Bree's time as a youngling which I personally find amusing.

By the time Obi-wan and I landed back at the temple it was already dark, the only lights were the ones coming from light up buildings. Right before we entered my master stopped in his path,

"Seeing as though it is already night why don't we find somewhere else to eat" 

"Yes please" and at that we went off into the dinning levels of Coruscant.


 Obi-wan and I got onto an elevator which took us down to an area full of different types of food, master looked like he knows where he is going so, I follow him through the some-what familiar path. He suddenly got to a halt in front of a diner of some sort, Dex's Diner.

Obi-wan opens the door and the two of us only just start to enter the loud building when a voice came out of nowhere,

"Obi-wan, what bring you here" a besalisk boomed coming towards us "I see a child, is it yours of another padawan, speaking of which how is young Skywalker" 

"Hello sir, I'm padawan Bree Lemzoni" I pulled out my hand for one of his many hands to shake, 

"Bree Lemzoni eh now where have I heard that name before" he shook my outstretched hand "I'm Dex by the way" Dex led us to a booth in the corner of the diner. Then it hit me I've been here before, a few years ago.

"Thank you, my friend," my master thanks him and I nodded in agreement, Dex went to leave and get someone to take our order when his head whipped around faster than you could say Naboo,

"Thats where I've seen you before" Dex looked right at me "you came in here what 5-6 years ago"

"WHAT" Obi-wan practically yelled "The council doesn't let younglings that age off the temple grounds"

"Well about that, the council didn't really know until I was already here" receiving both an amused look and a startled one from the two men in front of me

 Dex just laughed and walked away "tell him the story after I get you two some food" the moment he left I couldn't suppress my own laughter anymore. Everyone around us just stared in disbelief, realizing the stares only made me laugh more making my ribs start to hurt and my master trying to look anywhere but my shaking figure having a smile of his own.


Dex then came back with two trays and sat then in front of us grabbing a chair from an empty nearby table "now you can tell him"

I took a deep breath remembering that day "it was 6 years ago, and little 8-year-old Bree decided that she didn't want to wait to become a padawan to go on missions, so I took matters into my own hands. I, very sneakily I'll have you know, snuck out of the temple right after lunch when we were going back to class and somehow got to an elevator and got to the dining district. I walked and walked trying to find adventure where I could, but it seemed my nose had other plans and I walked straight in here."

"Wait that's it here I thought it would have been some big problem or something" Obi-wan doubted

"oh, I'm not done. Dex here saw me come in on my own clearly a Jedi and led me over to one of the bench seats and made me a blue milkshake, WHEN Master Windu, Plo Koon AND master Yoda all came barging in scolded me probably using my name, I don't know I kinda zoned out that whole time and took me back to the temple, they apparently had been sent to search for me by master Ti" I looked at them "sooo yeah that was a fun day"

"Yeah, I'll say kid, I thought I recognized you" Dex smiled fondly at the memory. He left us to eat our food and went back to work dealing with some customers.


We arrived back at the temple there wasn't many Jedi in the halls but considering the time it was reasonable to assume that most were either asleep of meditating. We got to our conjoined rooms; I didn't even make it to my bed before flopping face down on the couch. I felt it tip at the weight of another person 

"how are you comfortable there" Obi-wan asked tilting his head as I rolled over facing the roof

"It wasn't" I slowly felt my eyes begin to droop as I felt him run his fingers through my hair that I had taken out on the way back to the temple

"Sleep, my dear I'll be here when you wake up" everything was fuzzy as I let out a yawn

"'night Obi, thanks for toda-" then everything went black.


anyway have a wonderful night/day or whatever time it is 

see ya chumps👋

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