Chapter 4 (1:3???)

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AN: So last time I checked the story only had like 20 reads and whatnot so needless to say when i decided to start this part 2 thingi and saw that there was more than 70!!! reads I was super happy, so thank you all for reading I appreciate each and every one of you. 


Anakin, Obi-wan and I entered an elevator like thing with r2 in tow, it started to rise. I turned around trying to find possible exit points when I saw a speck of dirt on Anakin's astromech I recently knew as r2 and let me tell you this I know that jedi can't really display their affection, but I love this droid, so I knelt down in front of the well special droid and brushed the dirt off of him.

"Anakin you're crazy, spinning is not flying" master clearly disapproved of his former padawan's flying technique i didn't really either because I nearly threw up all of my organs when we stopped. 

"It's a trick" the brunette man smirked as the doors opened,

"we do not want to be spotted" Obi-wan declared 

"yes, we don't but I think it might make things more interesting don't you think Anakin" I turned my head towards him suppressing the urge to burst out laughing as I saw Obi-Wan's face from the corner of my eye. We were about to walk out but there were two battle droids patrolling the hall 

"aghh I knew it its them" the one on the left shouted as the three of us ignited our blades my somewhat dramatic pink one contrasting against their two blue ones, in my defense though I really like my lightsaber it's pink for goodness' sake what's not to like.

"oh no" the two droids then started to back away, but they didn't get very far before Obi-Wan and Anakin sliced them in half 

"oh come on I wanted to do it I mean what's the point of having a double ended lightsaber if I can't just run through them while slicing them in half" I put my amazing weapon back on my belt with an exaugurated sigh, they faced me sheepishly,

"Don't fret cupcake you can fulfill your dream someday" Anakin placed a hand on my shoulder looking down to my significantly smaller frame, he then looked past me to r2 "you stay here r2".


We ran through the ship in hopes of finding the senator when Anakin's comm went of 

"we found the senator, I'm patching her through" Ahsoka's voice informed us.

Anakin's face leaped at the new hu wonder what that was about, welp "Padme!" 

"Anakin" she acknowledged relief evident in her voice,

"Are you alright, where are you?" wow he didn't even give her a nanosecond to the first question.

"on the lower levels, I'm fine but i don't know for how long" senator Amidala answered the man

"Obi-wan and I are on board too" I glared at him from the corner of my eye how rude he didn't tell her about me mean.

"WHAT!" she all but yelled at him "what are you doing here"

"we came to get you off this ship" the man in question replied, "Ahsoka, how can we get to the senator" he turned his attention towards his apprentice 

"According to our scans there should be a large open area in the center of the ship, it should be halfway between the four of you"

"we're on our way" 

We started to continue on our way.


We came to an open area which had these cargo trains speeding past ill have you know, 

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