
286 9 0

early 30bby-3years old

Tw: small amount of blood I'll put this next to it in case ***


I ran.

that's all I could do; run I ran away from the only home I've ever had when they came the pirates, tears filled my icy blue eyes as I ran into something or rather someone. 

"Hello there" he said kneeling down to eye level with me. I slowly backed away before switching into a run and bolting back to where the pirates were.

"Stop!" he shouted at me but i didn't listen I kept running not stopping until I felt a pair of course hands grab me and tuck me under his arm. 

"gotcha" the pirate exclaimed without thinking I bit his hand and in shock he dropped me grunting clearly i had caused some pain to the pirate I turned my small head back towards my house only to see that it was in flames. Seeing this happen one of his friends threw me over her shoulder and walked me over to a tree and grabbed some rope tie me up. while she was doing this, I felt another presence I don't know how or who, but I knew someone was coming. 

I screamed hoping to get whoever was coming a hit as to where I was "HELP!" 

the lady whipped her horned head in my direction and pulled out a knife from a pocket on her belt, holding it up to my face right above my left eye and said


 "Listen here kid, we have a job to do so I suggest that you shut your tiny mouth and sit still or else." apparently, I thought it would be a smart idea to open my mouth again but clearly i didn't think that through, the presence I felt was getting closer than ever but all i could focus on was the knife getting closer until I felt something sharp against my skin and getting deeper until i felt it start to drip down my skin blood.


I closed my eye and heard a whooshing sound and as I turned my head, I saw the man from earlier holding a weapon that I had only ever heard from in stories told to me by my parents a lightsaber meaning that whoever this must be is a Jedi. 

"now" the mysterious jedi man started "what seems to be happening here two fully grown mercenaries attacking a child, well I think not."

the jedi then started to twirl his blue blade as the pirates pulled out the blasters a began shooting him. he continued to deflect their shots that was when I took the chance to get a closer look at the jedi, he had short auburn hair with a couple strands behind his right ear were tied into a plait and he was wearing a tan tunic/robe thingy. It was clear to see that both of the pirates were getting tired. both of the pirates collapsed onto the ground in front of the jedi. He slowly walked towards me and untied the rope tying me to the tree.

"Are you alright young one?" he asked kneeling down to my eye level. You know what no, I'm not okay.

"No" that was it, all that had happened over the day came rushing at me and the pain on the left side of my face kept on growing and I broke down in tears. The jedi encased me in a hug as I cried soaking his robe, I faintly remember him picking me up and starting to walk. I woke up in front of a ship the jedi whose name I am yet to know talking to a man in similar robes, but he had long brown hair with a section of it tied up. I stood up and slowly started to walk towards the two,

"Yes, Master I will see to it" Master the jedi hen turned to me. 

"hello" I said shyly. 

"Hello, do you know what I just realized" He asked.

"What" I stated in the same tone as before

"I still don't know your name. How about I'll tell you my name if you tell me yours?"

"Okay, my name is Bree Lemzoni mister Jedi" I answered wanting to know his

"How did you know that I am a Jedi" he said while ruffling my already messy hair.

"Anyway, my name in Obi-Wan Kenobi and that man I was talking to is Qui-Gon Jinn and he is also a jedi" Obi-Wan continued 

"I hope you don't mind me asking Bree, but my friend and I were hoping we could take you to our ship to run some test and take a look at your cut." 

I agreed and followed the two jedi to their ship subconsciously grabbing Obi-Wan's hand, we walked up the ramp to enter their ship. walking into a room with white walls and a bench surrounded by cupboards and other medical things I don't know. Obi-Wan sat lifted me up onto the bench seeing as though i couldn't reach it, he gently pulled my arm out towards him, cleaning it with the wipe that Qui-Gon passed him. 

"This may sting a bit, okay" Obi-Wan warned me before pricking my forearm with a needle.

"Now, let's clean up that cut of yours." 

I nodded as he grabbed a clean cloth and started to wipe the dried blood around the wound. He then started to speak to me not about anything in general i think he is just trying to distract me from the pain but i was okay with it. When Qui-Gon walked in a spoke to Obi-Wan in a hushed voice leading to the both of them walking out of the room and outside closing the door to the room i was naturally very curious so i got up and put my ear to the door.

"Obi-Wan this is serious, I felt in the force when you showed up with her that the girl is force sensitive, but it is higher than i thought her midi-chlorian count is nearly as high as master Yoda's." Qui Gon informed Obi-wan midi-chlorian what's that and who's this master Yoda guy

"Well master that just means that we need to get her to Coruscant immediately." Obi-Wan insisted

"okay" I could tell that the conversation was done so i ran back to the bench but i couldn't get ontop of it fast enough so when Obi-wan walked in I was scared.

"Now, now what do we have here"

Obi-wan strode up to me a picked me up and started to tickle me.

"Obi stop" I said while in a laughing fit 

"no, i don't think i will" he replied with a dumb smirk on his face eventually he put me down on the bench and asked me a very important question

"Bree, do you want to become a Jedi like Qui-Gon and I"

I couldn't say yes fast enough.

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