Chapter 43: The duels

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After dinner everyone was just sitting talking.

"Harry? You haven't tried dueling with your new power level have you?" Ron asked quietly from beside him. "Wouldn't you be better trying it so you don't overpower your spell's?"

"Are you offering to help?" Harry asked, Ron nodded, "Why not." he shrugged, "A friendly duel never hurt anyone and we're both out of practice."

"That's what I was thinking." Ron admitted, "It'll do us some good to practice in case we need to duel someone. Let's go into the garden, it's still light out."

Both of them got up and went outside and stood back to back in the middle of the garden.

"Wand ready. Ten step's." Harry said, they both walked ten steps forward and turned to face each other, "Ready?" Ron nodded, "Go! Expelliarmus!"

"Protego! Densaugeo!"

Harry dodged the teeth growing spell, "Petrificus Totalus!"

Ron had to dodge that one, "Furnunculus!"

"Protego! Immobulus!"

"Protego! Incarcerous!"

Harry tried to dodge the ropes but it caught his ankle as he dove, "Protego! Diffindo!" he got rid of the ropes behind his shield, "Expelliarmus!"

After a few more minutes of spellcasting Ron dodged a tripping jinx and sent back, "Stupefy!"

Harry dodged the spell, it missed him by an inch, then he had an idea, "Serpensortia!" a snake burst from the end of his wand, "Distract him don't attack." he hissed. The snake slithered towards Ron who looked panicked.

"Diffindo!" the spell hit Harry's cheek and a gash appeared and started to bleed.


Harry's spell hit Ron in the middle of his chest and he fell to the ground unconscious.

"Vipera Evanesca." Harry vanished the snake and suddenly heard cheering, he spun around to find that everyone had come out of the house and had watched their duel, "Rennervate." he cast with a flick of his wand in Ron's direction.

Ron stirred and sit up, "Your bloody hard to beat." was the first thing he said. "That wasn't fair using the snake to scare me."

Harry smirked, "First rule of dueling: Use everything you can to your advantage. I recall saying that twice when teaching the DA." he said as he helped Ron stand up again.

"That was a fast duel." Sirius chuckled as Ron and Harry joined them.

"He's impossible to beat!" Ron moaned. "Never once in 7, almost 8, years have I seen Harry lose a duel friendly or not."

"Really?" Remus asked surprised, "I didn't know that."

"Hmm... Come on Harry, let's see if I can beat you." Hermione smirked.

Harry nodded and they both went into the middle of the garden.

"10 steps." Ginny said deciding to referee, they both took 10 steps, "Turn." they turned to face each other in dueling stances, "Go!"

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