Chapter 3: St mungo's

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14, August. 1998...

When everyone was ready to leave for the hospital Harry lead them into the kitchen to Floo there.

"Just go to reception." he told them before he went into the fire with a handfull of Floo powder, "St. Mungo's, reception!" he shouted and was gone in a burst of green flames.

Everyone soon followed and were standing in the main reception area within ten minutes.

"Follow me." Harry instructed.

He and Ginny led everyone to the Maternity Ward and to the little reception area there.

"Hello." Ginny said to the witch behind the desk, "Ginny Weasley and Harry Potter here with their family to see Casper and Jasper Potter."

The witch looked up from a bit of paper she had been reading.

"Hello. Which Healer is their main carer?" she asked smiling politley.

"Her name is Emily McLee." Harry told her.

"Hold on a moment." the witch requested. She got up and stuck her head into a room to her right that was labled 'Staff Only'. She said something then returned.

"She'll be here in a moment. Please have a seat. Can I get you anything?" she asked.

"No thank you. I am curious though, you never reacted much to our apperance." Harry commented, "Especially since there's four of the returnee's here."

"I was warned beforehand that you and Miss Weasley may bring your family and friend's to see the twin's." the witch explained, "I'm Tessa by the way, Tessa McLee. Emily's younger sister." she added.

"Nice to meet you. I never would have guessed you and Emily were sisters." Ginny commented.

"Well more half-sisters, we had different fathers and there's at least 10 years between us." Tessa admitted. "Not much resemblance." she shrugged as Emily came out of the room.

"Hello, I was wondering when I'd see you lot." she smiled. "Casper and Jasper have been moved to a more private part of the ward." she explained, "Just follow me."

The large group followed Emily down two corridor's before stopping at a door marked 'Private. Family and Staff only.'

Emily opened the door and the group filed into the room.

Harry and Ginny went straight over to a expanded crib on the other side of the room and picked up a baby each. Ginny had Casper and Harry had Jasper.

"Oh! There even more adorable in real life." Molly sighed happily.

"Do you wan't to hold one?" Ginny said offering Casper to her as Harry did the same to Lily with Jasper.

Molly smiled and took the tiny wide-awake baby into her arms as Lily took Jasper.

"It's amazing how small they are." Arthur commented, "Even for twin's. Fred and George were much bigger."

"The mother wasn't in the best condition." Emily sighed, "We think that's how she died Mr..."

"Oh just call me Arthur." he smiled.

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