Chapter 4:diagon alley

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14, August. 1998...

Once everyone had arrived at the Leaky Cauldron in the room designated for Apparating they quickly left and went out to the courtyard that was the entrance to Diagon Alley.

Harry took his wand out and tapped the right bricks, "Welcome." he said to Dudley and Petunia as the bricks moved, "To Diagon Alley." he grinned.

Dudley's eyes were wide and he was looking around interestedly. Petunia looked around curiously.

"It's changed since the last time I was here." Petunia commented.

"It was all but destroyed during the war." Hermione sighed, "It's all repaired now but a few shop's are still being repaired. Like Florean Fortscue's he's still repairing the damage done to his shop but it's almost completely normal again."

"Where are we going first?" James asked.

"Um... Ollivander's. Dudley and Petunia need to get they're wand's and Regulus need's a new one so that will take the longest." Ginny smiled.

Everyone agreed and headed towards the wand shop.

Upon entering Ollivander's they were greeted by the man himself.

"Hello, Mr Ollivander." Harry smiled.

"Forgive me for being rude but do I know you?" the man replied.

"Oh sorry. We're wearing Glamor's. It's me Harry Potter."

"Ah good morning Mr Potter. I see it now. I'm guessing some returnee's need wand's then?"

"No just Regulus. And my Aunt Petunia and cousin Dudley need they're first wand's. They have latent magic." Harry explained.

"Right, well Mr Black, you first."

Regulus stepped forward.

"There's no change in height or anything is there?"

"No Mr Ollivander, just eyes hair and, for Ron and Regulus, beards." Ginny smiled.

"Excellent. Hold your wand arm out please Mr Black." Regulus held his left arm out and Ollivander started taking measurement's. "You old wand was made of Oak, 10 inches, unyielding, with Dragon Heartstring as the core?"

"That's the one." Regulus grinned.

Ollivander nodded, "Graham! Get boxes 34, 36, 42, 45 and 47 for me please." he called.

"Sure thing Uncle G." a voice called back.

"My nephew's helping me. Eventually he will take over the business when I retire." Ollivander explained at Harry's curious look. He nodded in understanding as a young boy appeared carrying the requested boxes.

"Here you are. Hello." he smiled handing a box to Ollivander.

"Try this one Mr Black." Ollivander said handing a wand to Regulus, "11 Inches, Oak, Pliable with Unicorn tail hair as the core."

Regulus waved the wand around and nothing happened.

"That wand does not accept anyone." Ollivander sighed putting the wand back in the box.

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