Chapter 2: Breakfast

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14th August, Saturday, 1998...

The next morning at breakfast Ginny noticed something was odd about George.

"Any reason your staring at me Gin?" he asked turning to look at her, smiling innocently.

"Yes. I don't know what it is but there's something different about you this morning."

"Ooh. She's onto us Gred." Fred smirked.

"Right you are Forge." he grinned.

"George... You have two ears." Ginny said, looking between the twins and figuring this out, looking shocked, "How?"

George grinned wider, "Well Gin-Gin, aren't we observant today. It's because of this thing we invented, it's called a polyjuice pendant. At the moment it's set to make anyone who's wearing it look like Fred." he pulled out a little shark tooth shaped pendant from around his neck.

"You see? We said we'd find a way to get George his ear back. Even if this is only temporary I doubt people are going to be able to tell us apart again." Fred smirked. "We won't be putting these in the store though. Too dangerous." he shrugged.

"They don't register with Secrecy Sensors so it would be bad if they got into the wrong hand's." George agreed, "It feels weird to have two ears again."

"I can imagine." Harry snorted, "You walked about with a hole in the side of your head for almost a year and it's gone for as long as that pendant works."

At that moment the pendant in question glowed purple and George's appearance turned back to normal.

"An hour... We need to see if we can make it last longer Gred." Fred said after looking at his watch.

"Yes we do Forge." George agreed taking the pendant off and Banishing it to his room with a wave of his wand. "And see if we can get it to give a warning that it's wearing off before it dose, not an obvious way like glowing."

"Hmm... Back to the drawing board." Fred shrugged.

"Your still working on your disguise stuff then?" Remus asked. "As well as defensive and offensive items?"

"You never know when you need to make a quick get away." George shrugged.

"One of the many things Harry taught the DA." Fred added.

"I did?" Harry asked in surprise, most in the room chuckled.

"Yes you did... Or at least you implied it." George said.

"You told us that it was generally a bad thing to let your enemy trap you at any time and if he or she does trap you, then you must use everything you have to your advantage." Fred explained.

"Therefore sometimes you need an object or distraction. Something you can use to change how you look or something to make it seem like you're invincible. Like our spell deflectors, if you're wearing one that isn't obvious, like the rings, then your enemy will panic if the most common spells don't work."

"But they might switch to the Unforgivables if they want you dead or too hurt to fight." Regulus pointed out, "I know a lot of Death Eater's did that in the past because I experienced it and Draco told me about this time around." he explained.

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