Chapter 1:The large family

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It was a very tired Harry Potter who collapsed onto his bed in his best friend Ron's room on Friday the 13th of August 1998. He and his family had just returned from an interview that involved at least twenty reporters who all wanted pictures and stories.

Harry was just thinking about how drastically his life had changed since the first and second days of that month, two weeks and his life was flipped upside down. This wasn't something new, he supposed, there has always been reporters and such trying to get stories on me. The main difference is that it wasn't just him the reporters were going crazy for.

With the return of seven people from the dead though, it was to be expected. The returnee's, Harry's parents, the Lupin's, Fred Weasley, Sirius and Regulus Black, were causing quite a stir in the magical world at that time.

Harry thought he would explode if another reporter asked him, "Mr Potter are you really a hybrid?" purley because it was so obviously true. He looked a lot healthier than the last time he'd been in the paper's for one, second, he didn't need his glasses anymore.

"Harry?" Ginny Weasley's voice came from not that far away.

"Yeah Gin?"

"You look exhausted. Do you want something to eat? I'm helping mum cook some meat for those who want some."

"Maybe a little bit of raw meat." he told her. This may have seemed odd to someone who wasn't a Lycan like him but it was perfectly normal at the Burrow, especially since almost half of the current occupants were Lycan's too.

"Of course." Ginny replied leaving the room.

I love you, he sent after her through their soul bond. I'm glad death let us know what it was before we could hear each others thoughts, we were both trying out our forms in the garden, the first day after the returnee's arrived.

I love you too, she replied, her mind's presence indicated that she was amused but still very much in love with him.

Well I better go down to the kitchen if I wan't food, Harry thought, he got up and stretched before heading downstairs to find his family in the kitchen too.

His parent's, godfather, Remus and Dora Lupin all smiled tiredly at him from the table as he entered.

"Where is everyone?"

"Regulus went for some fresh air with the wolf cubs, carrying Jinx of course. I think the twins are in their room. Um..." Sirius trailed off.

"Bill and Fleur flood home and you know about Dudley, Petunia and Cecelia." Lily added, her sister nephew, niece-in-law and great niece had been taken home before the returnee's started doing interviews to keep them out of the papers on their request, "Charlie went to bed, so did Percy."

"Draco, Astoria, Cissy, Neville and Luna went home too." Remus supplied.

"My Mum's putting Teddy to bed before she goes to sleep herself." Dora added.

"Arthur's in the living room. He's fixing the wolf cubs a proper bed I think." James put in.

"Good, they need one, Jinx and Jex can't both just sleep in a box all night like they have been. There's just not been enough time to fix them a proper one." Harry nodded. "What about Ron and Hermione?"

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