Mikey's POV

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There me, Gerard, and Frank stood. Our wooden door waiting to be opened, a scene ready to be caused. We were like astronauts about to deploy or perhaps soldiers about to leave for war.
Gerard grabbed my hand, "C'mon, kid, let's do this." He spoke confidently, though fear flickered in his eyes.
I held my breath as we marched through the door.

We were greeted by my unsuspecting dad sitting at the table, doing taxes.
Frank nudged Gerard, urging him to speak.

"D-dad, we need to talk to you. Please."

"What is it, my boys?" Our father spoke, not looking away from the scattered papers on the table.

A haze of smoke joined the air as our dad puffed on a pipe just like one from those old cartoons. I wonder where he got that thing from. They seriously make those still? Maybe it's from the 80s or something.

Gerard walked over to the table and sat across from Dad, I followed in suit, not knowing what else to do. Frank just stayed standing.

"Dad," Gerard began, "this is about your new uh, partner."

Our father heaved an exasperated sigh, a cloud of smoke escaping as he did so.

"Kids, I don't have time for this right now, I'm struggling to pay off these taxes.
He is? I thought he recently got promoted at work. Why would we be struggling?

"How are we struggling? You have a steady job, Dad." I questioned.

"I've - I've had to lend some money to someone, but it's fine. Nothing for you to worry about."

Gerard looked taken aback, clearly infuriated by this fact.

"Wait, you're lending money to your lady, aren't you!?"
Oh God, we can't get mad, or Dad'll never hear us out.

"Gerard, calm down. Get to the point already."
I felt my eye twitching, a minor muscle spasm caused by the stressful situation.

"Okay," he huffed, "Dad, you need to leave that woman, like, get as far away as possible. She's Frank's mom."

Our dad took the pipe out of his mouth, placing it on the table, and finally looked at us instead of focusing on the stupid taxes.

"She's Frank's mom? Is it true, Frank?"
We all looked over to Frank, who seemed to be standing there uncomfortably.

"Yes, sir, it's true. She's the same one who kicked me and Kristy out of our own home. "
Yikes, awkward.
Our dad was in disbelief for a brief moment but quickly dismissed it.

"Well, it doesn't matter. She's changed, and she makes me happy. She's good for me."
Gerard immediately interjected, hand slamming down on the polished table surface, sending the smoke from the pipe flying everywhere in a dramatic manner. The smell of the tobacco made my nose stuffy, and my glasses fog up.

"She's good for you? She's stealing money from you, and God knows what else! Dad, you're putting our family in danger if you don't cut all ties from this parasite!"
I saw the sudden rage in my dad's eyes, like Gerard was waving a red handkerchief in front of a fuming bull.

"Enough! I won't let you talk to me like this, I don't need to take this crap! I finally found someone who loves me, let me be!"
My brother chocked back on Dads words, the face of betrayal and shock as if his own father stabbed him in the back. My brothers eyes turned glassy and moist, wet streams glinting on his cheeks from his tears.

I suddenly felt suffocated, like all the oxygen was squeezed out of my lungs.
Poor Gerard, what do I do? Frank, please help. How do I diffuse the situation?

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