Whispers in the dark

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(Luke's POV)

As I rocked Hartley to sleep, her tiny hands grasping my fingers, I couldn't help but feel a sense of unease. The security team's presence and my own constant vigilance had become a new normal, but the tension was palpable. I tried to push aside the fears that crept in, focusing on the soft coos and gentle movements of my 4-month-old baby girl.

But the shadows seemed to be closing in, whispers of doubt echoing in my mind. Who was Ethan, really? What drove him to torment us so relentlessly? And what secrets was I uncovering in my quest for truth?

As I gazed into Hartley's innocent eyes, a chill ran down my spine. Was she the reason for Ethan's obsession? Had he fixated on my family, my happiness, and my love?

Suddenly, a faint noise caught my attention. A creak in the hallway, a faint rustle outside. My heart raced as I scanned the room, searching for any sign of danger. I knew I had to be strong to protect Hartley from the darkness that lurked beyond our doors.

But as the night wore on, the whispers grew louder, the shadows deepening into dark, foreboding silhouettes. I knew then that we were living on borrowed time, that Ethan's next move was just around the corner. And I was the only one standing between him and my precious daughter.

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