Threatening Letter

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When they came back from their day out, it was already night. Luke put Hartley to sleep in her room and went to his own room, hoping to find some rest. But sleep eluded him as worry consumed his thoughts. He couldn't help but fear for Hartley's safety, especially now that Marcus knew she was his daughter. She was his weakness, his strength, and his everything. The mere thought of something happening to her sent shivers down his spine.

As he lay in bed, tossing and turning, Luke's mind raced with thoughts of how to protect Hartley. Sleep finally overcame him, but it was a restless slumber filled with nightmares.

The next morning, Luke woke up early, his mind still clouded with worry. His first instinct was to check on Hartley, making sure she was safe and sound. He quietly entered her room and found her sleeping peacefully. A sense of relief washed over him as he gazed at his little one, her innocence bringing him a moment of solace.

Just as he was about to leave the room, he heard the doorbell ring. Startled, Luke made his way to the front door, curious to see who it could be. To his surprise, there was no one there. He was about to close the door when his eyes fell upon an envelope lying on the doormat.

Luke's heart skipped a beat as he picked up the envelope. It was unmarked, leaving him with a sense of unease. With trembling hands, he opened it and began to read the contents. The words on the page sent a chill down his spine, for he recognized the handwriting immediately. It was Ethan's, a rival of Luke's, someone he never expected to be involved in his life again.

The letter was filled with threats and taunts, aimed not only at Luke but also at Hartley. Ethan's words dripped with malice, revealing his twisted intentions. Luke's blood ran cold as he realized the depth of the danger that surrounded them.

Fear and anger mingled within Luke as he crumpled the letter in his hand. He knew he had to confront Ethan to protect Hartley at all costs. With a determined look in his eyes, Luke made a silent promise to himself. He would not let his daughter be harmed, and he would do whatever it took to keep her safe.

Luke knew that he needed to take immediate action to ensure Hartley's safety. He couldn't afford to underestimate the threat Ethan posed. It was clear that he needed to increase the security measures, both at home and when they were out and about. Luke would do whatever it took to protect his daughter, no matter the cost.

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