7 - Lethal Company, prt 1

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The comms hissed with static for a while. Then, Rebecca's voice came through in a whisper.

'James, we're being followed by something. We don't know what it is, but it's big and keeps showing up whenever we turn our backs.'

'What's it look like?' James whispered back, in case the noise would draw the creature.

'I... I'm not sure. It's dark, taller than us. Shiny eyes.'

James recalled the two white glowing dots he'd seen in a doorway on his first day and his skin crawled. Had it actually been a creature and not his imagination?

'Could be the shadow man,' Bill whispered. 'Scan it if you can.'

James hissed, 'Get back here. Let's leave. It's not worth the risk. Over.'

'We're tryi-' The transmission was cut off by an ear splitting scream.

James stared at the walkie-talkie in his shaking hand, his mouth agape, sweat running down his face. Had they died? Holy shit. He swallowed.


'It's after them. They're running,' Bill answered.

'Should I go help them?' He knew it was probably stupid. Probably pointless. But he felt terrible just standing there. 'Where are they?'

'Not sure. I can't see on the terminal properly.'

'Shit.' James started running forward, his eyes and ears peeled for any movement or suspicious sounds. Then, a vague scream echoed from the left. He turned that way and hoped to get there in time to be of any use. But soon no sound but his own footsteps and his wheezing breath kept him company. He slowed down.

'James, stop,' Bill commanded suddenly.

'What? What happened?' He looked around. An empty corridor, and a closed door to the right, a faint light shining through the glass insert in the door, brightening the darkness a little.

'There's loot in there. Go get it.'

Was he for real? 'Dak and Rebecca needs help,' he spat into the comms. 'I can't go looking for scrap now.'

'It's what we're here for. They're on their own. You can't really do much anyway.'

'I can try and not be an ass,' James growled.

'Oh, come on,' Bill snorted. 'You know what's at stake here. They're probably fine. I'll take a look.'

Fuming, but realizing Bill was probably right, he pulled the door open, forgetting to be afraid for a moment and checked the room out. There were steel shelves filled with stuff, and more things piled on the floor. He stood still for a moment, taking it all in. He couldn't bring everything. And he wanted to hurry.

To what, his inner voice asked. Death? Wasn't it better to loot and get out? Run away?

Pressing his lips together, he stepped in and checked for smaller items with a lot of worth. When he'd picked up a few things, the comms hissed again. He snatched it up.

'James?' Rebecca whispered, her voice shaking.

'Yes! Yes, where are you? I'm coming. Over.'

'No, no, stay away. The thing is still around. He just... came up right behind me and growled. I thought I was gonna die. I stared it right in the face. But the second I looked at it, it ran off. Like it doesn't like to be seen.'

'Are you okay?'

'Yes, for now. We're a little lost. Trying to find the way back out.'

'I heard you a while back, so you're not too far off. And I found... Bill found a room with tons of loot here. Over.'

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⏰ Last updated: May 03 ⏰

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