Ch.5 - The Company, prt 2

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Twisting and turning, sweating and with a loudly beating heart, James gave up and opened his eyes. Had his heart ever been this loud? He couldn't sleep because he kept hearing his racing heartbeat, thumping loud and clear in his ears, making him feel like he would die from a heart attack. The others had somehow managed. But their slow, deep breaths and occasional snores didn't help him. On the contrary. He sighed. Maybe he couldn't sleep because of the fight? He felt terrible about it. He shouldn't have pushed Bill like that. It had been immature. But everything had just been so overwhelming. So desperate and... hopeless. He decided to apologize first thing in the morning.

Growling. Deep, guttural growling. Soft padding footsteps. James held his breath. Was it the dog? Oh hells. Snuffling and heavy breathing, then a looming shadow, moving towards him. He tried to hide, pulling up the covers. But he couldn't tear his eyes away from the beast. Drool from the open maw pattered onto the floor. Teeth glinted in the pale light from the computer screen. The dog closed in on him, it's large head swinging back and forth, its stinking breath gagging him. Then the dog made an odd noise. Beeping.

James sat up, blinking in confusion, sweaty and with a thundering heart.


The ship bleeped an odd short melody and shuddered to a standstill. He'd never heard that tune before. He wondered what it signified.

A pair of legs came down from the bunk bed above, and James started, the dream coming back to him in full force. Holy shit, he hadn't been aware of it even being a dream. Those creatures would haunt him for a long time, he was sure.

'Morning,' Dakarai said happily and landed with a thump on the floor.

'Mmh,' James mumbled.

'Rise and shine, we're home,' Dakarai added.

That's right. We're back at Gordion. Or, at least we should be. James took a deep breath and let it out slowly. They were alive, they had landed. All they had to do now was sell their scrap and then talk the manager. If there was one. Bill didn't seem to think so. But surely there was someone they could talk to?

'Let's get moving,' Bill grated from the door and pressed a button. The doors hissed open, and the the familiar, sea-smelling wind of Gordion blew into the small ship.

James' mood soared. Had he ever been happy about being here before? He didn't think so. Hurrying, he got up and dressed along with Dakarai and Rebecca.

As soon as they were done, they grabbed as much scrap as they could carry and followed Bill out to the windy docks. Sea spray made the concrete slippery and the overcast sky looked as welcoming as ever. Still, James were happier than he'd been in a long time about being home. He didn't even think he'd ever seen Gordion as his home. Just a place to exist until he could find a way off the planet. But now, staying didn't sound too bad.

He walked up to the large, insanely tall Company building. Towards the square window he had spotted on his first day. Bill and Dakarai had already placed their stuff on the counter there. He didn't see anyone on the other side.

'Hello?' James called as he placed his stuff on the counter along the others'. Nothing answered. Odd.

'I wouldn't do that if I were you,' Bill said behind him.

'Why not?'

'It doesn't like noise.'

'It?' James looked back over the counter. There was nothing there. In fact, there wasn't even a door. How would anyone get there? The only thing he saw in the shadowy alcove behind the counter was a much smaller hatch. Closed.

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