Ch.3 - Jump, prt 2

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Once back to the broken rail, they all inspected the jump. A thick metal beam stuck out, making it possible to balance out over the drop.

'You can probably jump over from there,' Bill said and pointed.

Dakarai nodded, and placed a foot on the beam, holding on to the broken rail. 'What broke this though?'

'No idea,' Bill said. 'Can you do it?'

'Yeah, yeah, no problem. I think.' Dakarai set both feet on the beam and took a tentative step out, wobbling every so slightly.

'Please, don't,' Rebecca pleaded. 'It's too dangerous.'

'No, it's okay. I suggested it. It's fine. I'm good at stuff like this.' Dakarai took a few quick strides forward and jumped.

James held his breath, releasing it only as Dakarai landed on the walkway on the other side, grabbing hold of the unbroken rail there. He easily swung his legs over, then waved back at them.

'I made it, guys! It was easy.'

James could hear the smile, though his face was hidden behind the visor at this distance.

'Well done,' Bill commended. Then, to James' surprise, he too walked out on the rail and jumped. 'I'm coming with you. You guys, keep watch on that side and call if something happens.'

'Alright. Be careful,' Rebecca shouted. Then they vanished into a doorway, leaving him and Rebecca standing in an empty corridor with flickering lights. Standing there watching and waiting, he soon began to wonder if this had been a good idea.

'Maybe we should have gone with them?'

'You mad too. Never.' Her face was pale and her eyebrows were drawn into a worried frown however. 'Unless another of those slimes comes along,' she gave a nervous giggle.

James nodded. 'Unless.'

Time crawled. The dusty old corridor, already spooky to begin with, started to feel oppressive and James looked back and forth all the time. How long had they been gone? The jump terrified him. If you misstepped, or lost your balance, the fall would surely kill you. He peered down into the dark.

'What possessed Dak to jump like that?' he asked.

Rebecca shook her head. 'No idea. He seems to be a bit crazy.'

'Yeah. Hey, why did you take this job? You seemed to be more well informed than I was.'

She giggled. 'Yeah, you're a bit clueless.'

'Oi! Don't be mean.'

She gave a quiet laugh. 'Oh, I... uh. I'm in debt. I had to take the first thing I got. And they called me first. The Company, I mean. So I agreed.' She crossed her arms.

'Any regrets?' James asked, curious about her situation, but feeling it might be rude to ask too personal questions this early.

'Oh yeah, many. All of them, in fact. This job sucks.'

James chuckled. 'Yeah, sure does.'

'What about you?'

A loud, hard rumble echoed down the hallways, coming from the other side of the abyss. Both James and Rebecca startled and looked towards the dark doorway on the other side. The noise stopped as suddenly as it had started, just a few seconds later. Heart hammering in his chest, James gripped the railing hard.

'Dak? Bill?' he shouted.

'Are you okay?' Rebecca added.

The silence lay thick in the air. James swallowed. Did something bad happen? Had they both died? They'd be lost without Bill.

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