The music was loud and I knew their was a low chance of anyone actually being able to hear me.

Why the fuck did I not let Alyssa come with me.

"I've missed you..." Jamie draws, and it's just now that I smell the stench of alcohol on her breath and my nose frowns at the smell, she was always a pissy drunk and even less reasonable when she was drunk than sober.

"I haven't missed you." I shoot back, shifting beneath the others hold, trying to get away from the drunken girl.

"How could you say that? After everything we did together?"

"Everything you forced me to do? Everything you did without consent? Jamie, get the fuck off of me." Anger starts replacing my fear as I remember what my younger self had to go through, and comparing it to what I had now, I don't know how I ever allowed that to happen to myself without speaking up, I was too afraid. But as Jamie growls, her right hand gripping onto my hip painfully and her left moving under my shirt, that same dread fills me as I start to thrash against the others touch.


"If you really think I forced you maybe you need a reminder of how much you liked it before.." Her speech is muffled as she leans down to my neck, starting to nip at it and I throw my head back, trying to escape the teeth at my neck but instead just knocking my head back into the wall with a grunt. Jamie chuckles, nails digging into my skin painfully as her hand cups over my breast.

"You're only causing yourself more pain sweetheart. This could be so much easier if you just admitted to liking it." She drawls, letting her hand drop from my breast, slipping under my waistband.

The action causing me to bring my knee up, throwing it into the girls gut causing the other to falter for a second. Using the split chances of catching her off guard, i scramble to the front door, opening it and getting ready to dash out before getting grabbed by my arm, Jamie throwing me to the ground.

I gasp at the pain that wracks my body from the sudden and unexpected contact, wheezing slightly as the breath was knocked from my lungs. Jamie locked the door again, walking back to me and starting to straddle me as I try to catch my breathe again. "You fucking bitch. You know that Maia?"

A knock sounds against the door and Jamie covers my mouth.


Alyssa's P.O.V

"I'm going to check on Maia!" I tell Ryan, watching as the blonde nods.

"I'm going to get Jess from the bar and then we'll be right behind you."

I nod in thanks to her, moving back towards where the bathrooms are, it was exactly 15 minutes without a peep from girl for some reason I had not had a good feeling since she left.

"Smalls?" I call, knocking against the woman's restroom and without receiving a response I frown. Looking back at my phone that was on Maia's and I text messages, with no response from the other when I had asked if she was okay.

I debate trying to open the door and my frown deepens as I discover it was locked, I knocked against the door against calling out for my friend.

"You're such a bitch Maia."

My eyes widen, being able to recognize my friends name and also the voice despite the muffled tone due to the door. Instantly I take a few steps back, driving my shoulder into the door twice as I feel it buckle under my weight, on the third, I'm able to bust through. My eyes scanning across the room before spotting Maia on the ground and none other than fucking Jamie Johnson hovering over her, hands in places that definitely weren't hers to touch.
This was the first time I had seen the girl in person, but from the countless pictures I had seen from Maia, and multiple phone interuptions the toxic girl had caused while I facetimed Maia her freshmen year, the asses face and voice was engraved in my mind. And the pain that she caused my best friend.

"Get your fucking hands off of her!" My vision turns red and I yank the black-haired girl off of her, instantly bringing up a hand and driving it into the side of her jaw, feeling a satisfying cracked as the taller girl falls back from the unexpected punch. I follow her stumble, not even being phased as the other girl throws a clumsy punch, grazing my cheek as I ignore the hit, grabbing the front of her shirt and throwing her to the ground, anger clouding my head as I get on top of her, throwing hit after hit at the girl below me. Jamie struggling to try and keep her hands between her face and me, the drunk starting to cower.

"If you ever." A punch, "Come around her," Another, "Again, I'm making sure you don't fucking get out." I pant out, never stopping my attack on the girl beneath me, and instead emphasizing every word with another hit. The knuckles on my hands becoming raw before I feel arms grabbing my waist and pulling me off, I can't tell the difference between my blood or Jamie's on my hands. I start to struggle in whoever hold I'm in, too worked up to check.

"Lyz, you need to calm down." Jess voice comes from behind me, I breathe heavily, anger and adrenaline still flowing through me as I try to fight against the middles hold, wanting to try and get back towards the drunk who was groaning on the ground. "Alyssa stop it, it's over!"

My eyes snap towards Jess who had let go of me, only to go infront of me, holding my shoulders and blocking my view of Jamie, her hands instantly leave my shoulders before cupping my cheek, making my eyes meet hers. I look at her before instantly searching for Maia. My best friend getting helped up into a standing position with Ryan's help, Parker's breathe shaky as my eyes find the bruises forming on her along with the scratches and cuts on her face, small trails of blood flowing from them.

"Maia..." My heart breaks at the sight, adrenaline instantly dropping as I go to rush towards her with Ryan. "Smalls... are you okay?"

Maia exhales shakily, trying to nod but the tears in her eyes betray the facade she tries to put up.

"Babes, I'm so sorry... I'm so so sorry I should have came with you." I mumble, moving to hug Maia, the girl instantly curling into me aa I wrap my arms around her.

The commotion of us all crowding in the bathroom eventually catches the attention of the concert, security rushing to the area, leaving Jess to explain what was going on while Ryan tried to calm down Maia with me.

"We need to get her to the hospital to make sure she's fully okay.." Ryan mummers to me as Maia wouldn't talk to us, the girl just focusing on not fully hyperventilating as I try to calm her down. Ryan's eyes glance down to my hands on Maia's back, bruised, bloody and cracked I'm sure.

"And we need to make sure you didn't break anything yourself." The pain in my hands dull compared to the emotional fear I could only imagine the shorter girl in my arms was going through.

"I'm making sure Maia is okay first. Fuck me, I don't matter." I spit out, more in anger towards Jamie who's limping away, security escorting her out as Maia just stays burrowed into me. "We need to call Paige." I add before Ryan can say anything else, my teammates lips purse before she just nods, stepping away as she pulled her phone out.

"It's okay Maia... I'm here. You're okay.." I mumble, pressing my lips to my best friends hair, rubbing her back. My heart nearly jumping out of my chest despite the event being handled already. "I'm so sorry.."

"Not your fault.." Maia's muffled voice sounds from where she's buried into me, hands gripping onto the back of the shirt I was wearing, the fabric twisting underneath her hold.

"She won't hurt you anymore. I promise."


I lowkey feel like I wrote this chapter horribly but I feel like I kept rewriting it and it wasn't getting better LOL

Double Trouble | Paige Bueckers & Nika Mühl X ReadersOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora