~ Seventeen ~

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3rd Person P.O.V

Paige and KK were currently whispering hushly in the doorframe of the room Nika and Alyssa slept in. Both players cooing at the sight of the two athletes cuddling into each other.

"They're so gay and they don't even realize it." Paige's voice carries louder than she meant it to, causing Kk to hit her as she had her phone out, trying to take a picture of the girls in the bed. Despite the noise they didn't budge.

"Jesus, girl keep your voice down! They're going to kill us if they see us."

"Correction, they're going to kill you. You're the one with the phone. I'm pleading innocence."

Kk rolls her eyes, snapping a quick picture before moving to close the door again, the two turning around to be met with Maia, the short girl's crossing her arms.

"And what are you two doing?"

"Heyyyyy Maia." Kk echos, voice an octave higher.

"Hi pretty girl." Paige says in a sweet tone, going over to the girl and leaning down to kiss the top of her head, trying to distract Maia from what she had just saw.

"You're not sweet talking your way through this, Bueckers. Why are you guys bothering them? Stop it." Maia sighs, ushering the two away and into the living room. Kk, Paige, Caitlin, Kate and obviously Nika had stayed over while everyone else went back to their dorms or apartments near school.

"Good morning." Both KK and Paige greeted towards the family in the kitchen as they walked in accompanied by Maia. Maia's father sat at one of the stools, reading a newspaper, while Jake was washing dishes for his mother as they cooked breakfast. Mary, Maia's eight year old sister ran to hug her sublingual as she walked in before sitting next to Jake.

"Good morning loves." Maia's step mom greeted, the blonde giving a friendly smile as she continue to cook the pancakes that were on the skillet.

Paige glances at Maia, the two having agreed to only keep a friendly relationship around Maia's parents as they had only gotten together, leading to Paige sitting on one end of the counter with Kk next to her, while Maia sat on Kk's other side.

"Those two are still asleep upstairs?" Maia's father questions as the three college students nod. He let's out quiet chuckle, rubbing at his beard. "Ah to be young again."

His wife smiled fondly at the statement before turning towards her step child and the other athletes. "You guys are going to have to wake those two up in about 15 minutes or they're going to miss breakfast. And where are your other two friends?"

The three look at each other before nodding at the first statement, and before being able to answer the second Kate and Caitlin appear, both having the look of being freshly out of the shower.

"Good morning Miss, Mr." Kate greets with a slight head nod as Caitlin echos her, "Sorry we're late. We decided to shower since we're going to hang out later for our last day here.... and Caitlin takes forever when she showers." The blonde jokes causing the raven-haired girl to playfully shove her.

"No worries at all. Just wanted to make sure you two were alright. Once Nika and Alyssa are awake and ready we can eat." Maia's step mother hummed.

Paige stood up, shuffling towards the stairs again as she saw Maia statt to set the table. "I'll go get them right now."  The blonde jogged towards the stairs, pretending to fake out a nearby corner like most basketball players did before jogging up the steps, wo at a time causing Maia to softly laugh at her girlfirends antics.

As Paige made her way to the pining girls room, she opened the door slowly before pausing, deciding how to wake them. Debating whether to scare them or not, she decides to give the two some grace, walking over to her dorm mates side before gently shaking the girls shoulder.

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