~ Thirteen ~

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Caitlin's P.O.V

"Careful." My voice leaves my mouth before I even register that I'm speaking, moving towards Alyssa to pull out the girl's chair. She nods her head in thanks to me as she sits down, fumbling with her crutches a bit to get to them successfully lay underneath the table.

"For me to have had to use crutches many, many times in my life, I don't know why I'm struggling so much this time."

I shrug, moving across the table to sit at my own seat, eyes glancing towards the back of Kate's head who was standing in line before returning to the athlete in front of me, a smirk playing on the black-haired girls lips.

"Can't keep your eyes off your prize huh, Clark?" Her brown eyes glint as she says the words in a low tone, making sure that Kate didn't hear the comment from where we sat.

"If I had something to throw at you right now, I would." I shoot back, leaning back in my chair while crossing my arms, slightly glaring at the girl in front of me who just throws her head back in a laugh.

"Why don't you shoot your shot CeCe?" The girl asks, taking a sip of the fountain drink I had gotten for her earlier before resuming, "We KNOW she likes girls so it's not like you're questioning if your trying to make a move on a straight girl."

I let my eyes drift back to the blonde in line, "Yeah but..." I sigh, sitting up in my chair before leaning onto the table with my arms. "She's literally my best friend-"

I hear Alyssa give a fake gasp of shock, causing me to one again glare at her.

"One of my best friends." I correct, causing a playful grin to show on the others face, I roll my eyes at the switch up. "I don't want to make anything awkward between us or risk losing the bond we already have because of my feelings." I continue, putting my head down onto my arms.

Alyssa glances over my shoulder, making sure Kate was still a good amount of space away from us before talking to me, "I get that. But you also need to give Kate way more credit, you confess and she returns the feelings? You two live happily ever after," I snort at that. "You confess and she doesn't? You two are adults, and you're right, she IS your best friend and if she truly cares she won't let something like that come between you guys, ever."

I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding, I knew Alyssa was right but that still didn't stop the nerves I had every time I thought of telling Kate how I felt about her, or even the butterflies I felt whenever she smiled, laughed or even hugged me. 

I open my mouth to say something else, only to stop as I saw three Jersey Mike bags get placed on the table.

"Two combos for the pretty athletes." Kate jokes, moving to sit down, "An a good ol' sandwhich for myself."

"Thank you Kate," Alyssa's hand takes her bag as I reach out for my own.

"Yeah, thanks Martin." My eyes drift to hers as she grins at me, quickly looking away to take a bit out of my own food, hoping the blush rising to my face goes unnoticed.

"You're feeling alright, right?" Kate nods towards Alyssa, the unsaying question about her foot hanging in the air. Alyssa shrugs.

"Pride's more wounded than anything right now." She jokes, getting a chuckle out of myself and the attractive blonde sitting on my side.

"Well, if you're still joking I know your fine. Did you take anything for the pain today yet?" She nods, finishing the food in her mouth before responding.

"Yeah, I took something after breakfast, before I went to the basketball practice with Maia earlier."

Kate hums, shifting in her seat before she glances over at me, a smirk on her face before turning back to Alyssa.

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