Plains of Rohan

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East Wall of Rohan 

The six hunters raced along the cliff's edge, their breaths mingling with the wind as it swept past them, carrying the distant murmurs of the trickling stream below. Pippin's elven brooch lay abandoned in the mud and grass of the open plains, a poignant reminder of their recent skirmish. Aragorn's keen eyes caught sight of it, and he stooped to retrieve it, a flicker of concern crossing his face before he steeled himself and looked ahead.

"Not idly do leaves of Lorien fall," Aragorn murmured, a solemn reminder of the stakes they faced. Legolas, ever attuned to the whispers of the natural world, paused at Aragorn's words.

"They may yet be alive," Legolas said, his voice carrying a note of hope amidst the tension. Liv, ever pragmatic, wasted no time in urging them forward.

"Then what are we doing standing here?" she asked, her tone urgent. "Liv is right. We need to keep moving," Aragorn agreed, his gaze briefly scanning the ground before he set off again with purpose. "Less than a day ahead of us. Come," he called over his shoulder, his determination unyielding.

As they pressed on, the rugged terrain proving to be as much a challenge as their pursuit, David's concern for Liv surfaced. Pulling her aside, he voiced his worries in hushed tones, his hand instinctively finding its place on her still-flat stomach.

"Babe, are you sure it's a good idea to be running this much while you're pregnant?" he asked, his concern evident in his voice. Liv brushed off his concern with a reassuring smile.

"It's perfectly fine, and besides, I'm not even showing yet," she replied, her resolve unwavering despite the physical strain.

Meanwhile, Gimli's stout form stumbled from behind some rocks, his grumbling protestations punctuating the air as he rolled to the ground. Saya rushed to his side, offering her support as Legolas turned back to them, his voice urging them onward.

"Come, Gimli, Saya. We are gaining on them," Legolas called, his eyes gleaming with determination. Gimli, ever the gruff but resilient dwarf, couldn't help but offer a quip in response.

"I am wasted on cross-country. We dwarves are natural sprinters. Very dangerous over short distances," he grumbled, earning a chuckle from Liv and a stifled laugh from Saya and David. Gimli shot them a glare before rising to his feet, his determination matched only by his pride.

Their journey brought them to the crest of a hill, where they paused to take in the sweeping vista of Rohan spread out before them. Aragorn's keen senses immediately detected something amiss, his words carrying a weight of foreboding.

"Rohan. Home of the horse lords. There's something strange at work here. Some evil gives speed to these creatures. Sets its will against us," he declared, his voice tinged with concern. Legolas, ever perceptive, raced ahead, his keen eyes scanning the horizon.

"Legolas, what do your elf eyes see?" Aragorn called after him, his tone tinged with urgency. Legolas turned back, his expression grave as he relayed his findings.

"The Uruks turn northeast. They're taking the hobbits to Isengard," he said, his words sending a shiver down their spines. "Saruman," Aragorn breathed, a note of grim recognition in his voice.

"Not that guy again," Liv muttered, her annoyance palpable. David, ever the curious one, couldn't help but ask.

"Who's this Saruman guy?" he inquired, his tone tinged with confusion. Saya, always quick to fill in the gaps, offered a succinct explanation.

"I'm guessing he's the bad guy," she remarked, her words laced with a touch of sarcasm. Liv couldn't help but interject with a correction.

"Wrong. Saruman is a powerful wizard," she clarified, her voice carrying a note of concern. As they spoke, Lily, ever sensitive to the tension around her, voiced her fears.

Prequel to my version of The Lord of The Rings trilogyWhere stories live. Discover now