~is it over

421 20 15

~At the hospital
Taraji's POV:

Here I was back again no less than two weeks later at the same place.

I couldn't tell the police because I didn't need them getting involved.

Everyone kept asking me what happened and I kept ignoring them because I didn't feel like talking.

I called my best friend Mary to update her on everything and she says "well T I think you should let the police handle it."

Hang up on you, not in the mood.

While I was slightly annoyed with every thing and every one Dani was in the corner cracking jokes, as usual.

"So then I said Good maybe they'll feed me in the after life." LMFAO DANI YOUR A MESS GIRL!

oh shit , I forgot.

Before I could say anything I felt a warm smack hit the side of my face.

"Now that's the last time I'm gonna tell you to stop cursing around me."

"Damn T." Terrence said

"Damn miss O i ain't know u got down like that!" Dani said

"Oop-" Tasia said

I was silent. My mother always would give me a back handed if needed, but for some reason this time it made me upset.

"Y'all how about we go to the vending machine."

"Girl I ain't hungry I just at-"


"Oh,oh you right I could use another bag of chips cmon T number 2."

They all left leaving me and my mom alone.

I turned my face to the wall and cried silent tears.

"Look at me Taraji."

I'm fine.

"I didn't ask if you were fine look at me."

I'm ok ma.

"I'm gonna tell you one more time to turn around before I turn you around myself."

I sighed and turned my head her way.

"Why are you crying?"

Cause I got hit by a truck-


She hit me again.

"Don't try to be smart."

I'm sorry.

"Now answer the question smarty pants."

I'm crying because it was no reason for you to do that ma.

"Well, you needed a slap of reality, you've been acting off stupidity and emotions these past few days."

"And I'm tired of coming to this damn hospital."

Ma- had I not acted off that you would still be tied up.

"And I appreciate that, but why won't you let somebody help you? Huh? Why do you feel you have to do it all by yourself baby girl?"

I begin to cry, b-because momma I made this mess and I I- have to fix it.

"Hey look at me, you didn't create this problem no one did, Kendall just had a big ego that gets in the way."

I don't think I killed him.

"Girl don't get slapped again."

I shot him about 5 times but when I was running back I think I saw him.

~meanwhile at the vending machine

Fantasia's POV:

Dani, Terrence stop! I said giggling

"Whew she almost knocked that auntie bob off."

They busted out laughing again.


"Alright alright." Terrence said

That was a pretty hard slap, but T looked like she was going to cry.

"I would cry to if somebody slapped me that hard."

I mean, I feel like the slap was deeper than the curse word.

"Eh, idk."

Should we head back?

"Naw I needa laugh some more cause I already know I'm gonna laugh In her face when I see her!

Kendall's POV:

Locate where the fuck she is right now, I don't care who's there I'm killing that bitch and anybody who gets in my way.

Looks like the only way you get shit done around here is if you do it yourself.
I know y'all waiting on him to die 😭, but I promise he'll be gone reallyyy soon.

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