~love and war pt.2

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Taraji's POV:

I woke up to the sunlight beaming in my face, I looked down and realized I was butt naked in the back seat.

Thank god the windows are tinted. But what if someone came and took a picture of me?

I don't have time to overthink me and Tasia have to get a move on.

Planting kisses all over her sweet face I cooed, wake up sleepy head!

"5 more minutes!"

Girl we don't have 5 more minutes get up, and hand me my damn clothes we gotta get to moving.

"Ugh, I'm exhausted and plus we don't even know where they are."

Yes we do, just before they came Terrence got their location.

"Taraji they've probably moved, our best bet is to call the police."

Tasia are you crazy? Please tell me that's the sleep talking.

"Well, yes and no but please give me 5 more minutes!"

No! We have to CHECK IN, some thing we should've done last night. I said side eyeing her.

Plus we have to take showers , get dressed and there's coffee inside to wake you up, cmon!

"Ugh, fine. But when this is all over I'm taking a whole week to do nothing but sleep."

You can get as much sleep as you need when this is over.

~meanwhile at the warehouse

Danielle's POV:

So um like are you gonna feed us ?

"Danielle..." Ms O. said

What? A bitch is hungry it's been 15 hours since I ate last.


Ok mr angry pants, calm down before your beard hairs fall.

"One more word and you're dead."

Good maybe in the after life somebody will feed me.


Ok, ok I'm gon shut up before we all die, damn it's a crime to be hungry now.

I thought about T and Tasia and were they ok, or were they trying to find us?

Knowing them they probably were, I wish I could send them some kind of signal or something.

Kendall's POV:

We need to lure them here. Once we get Tasia kill that other bitch.

"Sir we lost them."

You what...

"We lost them yesterday they escaped on some car."


"No sir we didn't have time."

Then I don't need your services. *pow* maybe he'll be an example to all of you.

"Yes sir." They all said in unison.

"Nigga you know ima bust a cap on yo ass."

Yeah,yeah,yeah you weren't so big and bad when my boys came for you.

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